Exercises | Therapy of spinal canal stenosis


If pain occurs during the exercises, or if an uncomfortable or unsafe feeling develops, the exercises should be interrupted and other exercise advice should be sought from the treating physician or physiotherapist. During this exercise it is important that the back and also the neck remain in a straight line with the head. The left leg is now stretched out completely to the back and the position is held.

Afterwards the exercise should be performed with the other leg. With an even movement the pelvis should now be rolled up and then tilted down, thereby “opening” and “closing” the pelvis alternately. Starting position: Standing, lunge (approx.

one meter) forward with the left leg, left knee slightly bent, right knee relatively stretched backward, toes pointing forward The pelvis should now be pushed forward. This will cause a stretching of the right leg. It is essential that the upper body forms a straight line during the exercise.

The stretching position can be held for a few seconds depending on the pain and feeling. Then the legs should be changed. Depending on where the spinal canal is narrowed, different exercises can help.

  • Starting position: four-footed stand (resting on the floor with the palms of the hands, knees and shins)
  • Starting position: Supine position, place the soles of your feet on the floor and bend your knees
  • Starting position: Standing, lunge (approx. one meter) forward with the left leg, left knee slightly bent, right knee relatively stretched backward, toes point forward

Therapy after an operation

If an operation is unavoidable, despite the exhaustion of other forms of therapy (physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc. ), physiotherapy will follow relatively quickly. This can take place outside the hospital as part of a follow-up treatment.

Depending on the situation and the patient, this treatment can take place as an inpatient, day-care center or outpatient. Information on this can be obtained before the operation from the treating physician or from the hospital’s nursing advisory service. For the follow-up treatment, an application is made to the health insurance company after the operation.

In general, it is important to keep in mind that not all problems can be solved at once during an operation. The subsequent physiotherapy helps with rehabilitation and is particularly important.