Exercises/treatment | ISG blockage symptoms


Other measures that can be taken to treat ISG blockage in physiotherapy are, for example, passive therapies, i.e. therapies carried out by the therapist. This includes manual therapy, in which the two joint partners or other affected structures are moved or manipulated by the hands of the therapist. Massage, trigger point therapy and various heat applications can be performed to help reduce tension in the tissue and provide acute pain relief.


The relatively common ISG blockage, a canting between pelvis and spine, is caused by various simple causes such as incorrect movements or instability. Manipulations by the treating therapist or active simple movement exercises bring the structures back into their original position. Stretching, movement, massages and heat release tensions in the tissue caused by the tilting. Strengthening exercises around the pelvis and the spine protect against new dislocations and support the body in a stable and healthy posture.