Exercises with a flat back

The exercises performed during the treatment of a flat back serve to strengthen the muscles in the area of the spine and to train mobility so that the spine does not stiffen. The exercises used depend on the extent and cause of the flat back, as well as the age and individual medical history of the patient. During the therapy it is therefore important to compensate for imbalances in these areas and to strengthen the muscles. In order to counteract and prevent flat backs in the long term, it is advisable to train the back and abdominal muscles regularly and to ensure correct posture. Suitable seating furniture can also support the therapy.

Exercises for the LWS

1st stretching of the lumbar spine Go into the quadruped position. Now stretch your legs backwards so that your feet, lower legs and knees rest on the floor. Keep your arms stretched and look forward.

Now let your abdomen and hips sag so that gravity causes you to stretch in these areas (the position is somewhat reminiscent of the yoga position Cobra). Hold the position for 20 seconds and then pause. 3 repetitions.

2. strengthening of the muscles Lie on your stomach. Now lift your arms, head and legs with a distance of about 10 cm from the floor. The arms are held in a U-position with your arms in line with your body.

Hold the position for 20 seconds, then pause briefly and make 2 more passes. 3. stabilization Stand with your knees on an edge (e.g. chair or table edge) so that your lower legs hang freely in the air. From this position push the buttocks back as far as possible.

As a balancing balancing the arms can be held straight forward. Make sure that your body forms a straight line. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then pause.

3 repetitions. 4. strengthening of the lumbar spine Lie on your back and put your feet up. Now push yourself up so that your thighs and back form a straight line.

Hold this bridge position for 20 seconds and then pause. 3 repetitions. 5. stretching and mobilization Lie on your back.

Now pull the knees close to the upper body and grasp the lower legs below the knees with your hands. Roll your chin towards your chest as well. Now slowly swing back and forth.

6. stretching the lumbar spine Stand up straight and upright. The legs are set about hip-wide apart. Now bend forward as far as you can.

The legs remain stretched and the hands approach the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and then slowly straighten up again. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the lumbar spine
  • Lumbago