Exophthalmos: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Eyes and Ocular Appendages (H00-H59).

  • Orbital hematoma (blue eye) – contusion with blood pooling in the orbit and surrounding skin area.
  • Orbitaphlegmon – rare, dangerous disease of the eye socket (orbit) associated with infection of the eyelids and surrounding skin in front of the septum orbitale

Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90).

Cardiovascular system (I00-I99).

Neoplasms – tumor diseases (C00-D48).

  • Orbital tumor (space-occupying processes in the eye socket (orbit)).
    • Benign (benign) orbital tumors:
      • Children: papillary hemangioma (benign tumor of the blood system), lymphangioma (benign tumor of the lymphatic system).
      • Adults: cavernous hemangioma, meningioma (meningeal tumors, which are usually benign), mucocele (accumulation (-cele) of mucus (Latin mucus) in a cavity (usually sinuses)).
    • Malignant (malignant) orbital tumors: