Extrasystoles due to stress | Cardiac arrhythmia due to stress

Extrasystoles due to stress

An additional or missing heartbeat in a normal heart rhythm is called an extrasystole. Colloquially, there is often talk of “heart stumbling”. Extrasystoles are one of the most common heart rhythm disturbances, they can also occur in completely healthy people.

But especially in anxious, stressed or nervous people, the body reacts with panic, an accelerated pulse, restlessness and sweating. The excitement caused by stress, which is also reflected in physical symptoms, can also lead to extrasystoles. The occurrence of extrasystoles is additionally promoted when stressed people consume coffee, nicotine or alcohol. Tiredness or massive emotional excitement can also lead to extrasystoles in both healthy and sick people.


People who suffer from stress and who therefore have an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia should strive for a very healthy lifestyle. Luxury foods such as alcohol, nicotine and coffee should be avoided or enjoyed only in small amounts, as they further increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, a healthy lifestyle helps to reduce stress, which is the most important measure to prevent cardiac arrhythmias.

Light but regular endurance training (e.g. 30 minutes of brisk walking every day) promotes heart health and reduces stress at the same time. Sufficient sleep, various relaxation exercises, autogenic training or Tai Chi can also prevent the risk of cardiac arrhythmia caused by stress. Herbal ingredients can also help to reduce stress, for example, broomweed is known for its relaxing effect.