Eye Diseases: the Most Common Eye Diseases

Red-green deficiency is common in men and rare in women: About eight percent of men have difficulty correctly distinguishing the colors red and green, as well as mixed colors with red or green components. For women, the figure is only 0.4 percent. Red-green vision impairment occurs in various degrees, is congenital and cannot be treated. In everyday life, red-green vision deficiency hardly causes any problems; the person affected has long since become accustomed to the “wrong” visual impression. In some professions, however, such as pilots, graphic artists or police officers, color vision is a prerequisite.
Strabismus (crossed eyes) can also significantly impair good vision. A squinting person cannot align the eyes parallel to each other.

Cataracts and glaucoma

Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. It causes a slow, painless loss of vision. Cataracts are treated by surgically removing the lens; a plastic lens is inserted instead.

Glaucoma results from increased pressure inside the eye. This is not noticeable, but gradually damages the retina and can lead to blindness! Since the disease progresses slowly, the gradually increasing “tunnel vision” is difficult to notice by the affected person. Only timely detection and medical treatment can save eyesight. However, there are also various surgical methods.

The most important facts in brief

  • Short-sighted and farsighted eyes have grown less precisely in length than normal-sighted eyes, or the refractive power of the eye lens is not ideal. Therefore, these eyes need help for optimal vision.

  • Every eye becomes age-visible. This is quite normal. Varifocals ensure good vision in old age.

  • Cataracts and glaucoma are eye diseases and should be examined by an ophthalmologist.