Eye drops for hay fever | Eye drops

Eye drops for hay fever

Since hay fever is an allergy, anti-allergic eye drops are very helpful against this. As already mentioned in the paragraph “Eye drops for allergies”, it is especially important to block the histamine release. This can be achieved by eye drops containing cromoglicic acid.

These eye drops should be used about 2 weeks before the onset of the allergy, as they are most effective in blocking the release of histamine. They therefore have a preventive effect. Another possibility are eye drops with the classic so-called “antihistamines” such as levocabazine or azelastine.

These agents block the docking sites of histamine and thus its allergic effect. When applied directly to the eye, they act locally and only very small amounts are absorbed into the bloodstream. They also act very quickly and can therefore be used in the case of an acute attack. However, they should not be used for more than 5 to 7 consecutive days. You want to know what else you can do against your hay fever?

Eye drops for cataracts

According to current knowledge, cataracts can only be treated by surgery. Eye drops alone cannot cure or prevent cataracts. However, some preparations are currently used whose effectiveness has not been proven.

These include vitamins, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants and herbal medicines. However, some eye drops are used in conjunction with surgery to relieve complications and pain. One day before the operation and up to 14 days afterwards, so-called NSAID eye drops are used to treat any inflammation or pain that may occur. Before and after the operation, antibiotic-containing eye drops are used to prevent possible infections. Would you like to know more about the treatment of a cataract?

Eye drops with Ciclosporin

Ciclosporin belongs to the so-called calcineurin inhibitors. They have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects and are therefore used for some inflammations. In the form of eye drops, it is used for severe corneal inflammation (keratitis).

However, only after other drugs, such as tear substitutes, i.e. moistening eye drops, have not helped. In addition, Ciclosporin eye drops are only used for corneal inflammation caused by dry eyes. Ciclosporin A eye drops are also approved for the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Keratoconjunctivitis vernalis is a bilateral, recurrent inflammation of the eye that occurs in relapses. This leads to a severe inflammation of the ocular surface, conjunctiva and cornea, which can lead to loss of vision. Ciclosporin A eye drops can also be used for the so-called keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is also known as “dry eye syndrome” and is characterized by reduced wetting of the cornea and conjunctiva with tear fluid. It also leads to inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.