Facelift by massage | Facelift Procedures, Costs and Risks

Facelift by massage

The trend in anti-aging and facelifting is towards laser. In a single procedure, facial wrinkles are removed and the skin’s appearance is significantly improved. One should achieve even better results with this facelift than with an operative facelift.

The laser treatment is gentle on the skin and due to the comparatively low stress on the skin, the downtime for patients with 3 to 5 days remains very low. During the laser treatment heat is generated, which simply vaporizes the treated areas. This means there is no direct ablation of the skin.

The patient notices an improvement of the sagging skin immediately after the treatment. In the days following the laser treatment, the skin tightens further, as lasers work with IPL technology (Intense Pulsed Light). This means that the high-energy light stimulates the formation of collagen in the skin, which still has a firming effect afterwards. The result of a facelift with laser can even improve after 6 months.

Facelift through creams

Wrinkle creams are popular for smoothing out wrinkles without surgery.There are people who have their first wrinkles in their mid-twenties, others only at forty. For most people, sooner or later an anti-wrinkle cream ends up in the bathroom to provide a natural facelift. Creams that promise a facelift usually have ingredients that bind moisture and are supposed to optimize the water balance of the tissue.

These include glycerin, algae extract, urea, lactic acid, panthenol and the popular hyaluronic acid. Antioxidants are also present in numerous creams. Examples are vitamin A,C,E, coenzyme, Q, flavonoids and polyphenols, which are supposed to protect the skin from damage by so-called free radicals.

Ectoin is another substance that occurs naturally in bacteria and is said to protect the skin from harmful environmental influences and dehydration. The right creams, which correspond to the individual skin type, can help to achieve a light facelift when used regularly, by providing the skin with sufficient moisture and making it look healthy. In order to maximize the effect of the creams, you should start using them as early as possible.