Facial hair

A moustache is an increased amount of hair that appears in the area of a woman’s upper lips or cheeks. A trigger for increased hair growth in this area can, in addition to a genetic predisposition, also be a disturbance of hormonal regulation. The extent of hair growth can vary.

About 20% of all women are affected by a woman’s beard. In most cases, these women suffer from increased hair growth and try in different ways to fight hair growth. Here you can find detailed information on the topic: Depilation

Moustache removal

Most women who suffer from a woman’s beard feel a great deal of psychological stress. The increased hairiness is not only a cosmetic flaw, but also makes the affected women feel uncomfortable and ashamed of their appearance. Even though for most women an immediate removal of the moustache is the first priority, the possible cause should be clarified by a doctor.

If there is an excess of male sex hormones as a trigger, in this case a medicinal hormone treatment can be initiated. If a normal regulation of the hormone level is achieved again, the hair on the upper lips and cheeks will show a clear reduction and the moustache will disappear with time. If the cause is not a hormonal disorder, the affected women often have to undergo a lengthy treatment, although an effective therapy that permanently combats the moustache is not yet available.

If the moustache is to be removed at short notice, there are many different options available. These include methods such as laser, waxing, shaving, bleaching or epilating, but also well-known household remedies that are available in every drugstore. Finding the most suitable and above all effective method for removing a woman’s moustache is difficult for many women.

Not every method achieves the desired success, as hair removal is often accompanied by significant skin irritation. Many women try to get rid of their moustache by removing the annoying hairs by plucking. Plucking is a very inexpensive method that can be carried out quickly with tweezers.

By tightening the skin on the upper lips and in the cheek area, hair removal can be made easier. This is a painful method. If the hairs of the lady’s beard are not properly gripped by the tweezers, the hairs may break off and the hairs cannot be removed with the root.

Visible stubble will appear. If the lady’s beard is very distinct, the plucking of the individual hairs becomes much more difficult, takes longer and it becomes difficult to get hold of all the hairs. After plucking, the skin on the upper lips and the cheek area usually shows very irritated and reddened.

Hair removal from women with a lady’s beard can be done with the help of a razor, just like the removal of hair from other parts of the body. Shaving only cuts off the individual hairs. The hair root is not removed.

Therefore the beard hairs can grow back very quickly. Affected women develop stubble, which is not only visually visible, but is also perceived as unpleasant. The stubble is particularly noticeable in dark and thick hairs.

Shaving also makes the whiskers thicker and more resistant. Although shaving to remove a woman’s beard can be done very quickly, it is not recommended as a means of first choice, especially for women who attach great importance to smooth and well-groomed skin. Laser treatment is the most effective way to remove a woman’s moustache.

However, this is a method that involves high costs of approx. 400 – 500 Euros per session. When using a laser, a beam of light is generated, which damages the beard hairs in the root area and thus prevents growth.

However, several sessions are necessary to effectively combat increased beard growth. The laser treatment should only be carried out by a doctor or a trained beautician with appropriate expertise. However, the laser only leads to effective success with dark hair.

Dark hair contains a dye called melanin, which absorbs the light generated by the laser and leads to the killing of the hair root. The application of the laser causes considerable irritation and irritation of the skin. Due to the strain, the skin dries out, appears reddened and often swells.

The formation of wrinkles in the facial area can begin prematurely as a result of the laser treatment. When waxing, there are various ways of removing a lady’s beard. Depending on personal preferences, either cold wax strips or warm wax can be used.

Waxing the annoying hair with the help of cold wax strips is a bit easier and faster. Cold wax strips, which are available in the drugstore, are first warmed in the hand and then applied to the upper lip or cheek area. After a short period of application, the wax strips can be removed along with the annoying hair.

There are even smaller wax strips specially made for hair removal in the facial area, which adapt specifically to the contours of the upper lip and can therefore achieve an optimal result. Many women find the warm wax method a little more pleasant, but it takes longer to apply, because the wax must first be warmed up before it can be applied. In total, the application of wax stops a renewed growth of the beard for about 4 to 6 weeks.

However, with this method one has to consider that the hair must have reached a certain length in advance for the wax to grip properly. Many women use the epilation method, just as with the removal of leg hair, also for the removal of increased beard hair. An epilating device pulls out the small hairs in the upper lip and cheek area together with the root.

Thus a long-lasting effect of up to 4 weeks is achieved. Only after this time do the hairs slowly grow back. In order to prevent the pain that occurs when the hair is pulled out, it is advisable to smooth the skin.

In addition, after epilation, careful skin care with the help of suitable moisturizers should follow to prevent possible skin irritations. In contrast to a conventional shave, the hairs grow back more slowly and above all more finely, so that they do not quickly interfere and become visible again. A special method of epilation is thread epilation.

This method originally comes from the Far East and requires a lot of tact and sensitivity. You knot a string together to form a circle. This circle is then turned between the fingers to remove the hairs above the upper lip together with the root.

Another possible method to combat a disturbing moustache is to bleach the hair. Bleaching does not stop the growth of the hair, but makes it so light that it is no longer visible. It is an easy to carry out, inexpensive and painless method.

In addition, no stubble remains after the application. Through the application of a so-called oxidizing agent, in most cases hydrogen is used, the colour is removed from the beard hairs, so that they fade and are no longer visible. The products used to bleach the lady’s beard can be easily purchased in drugstores.

It is important to make sure that you choose a shade that matches your natural skin type, otherwise the hair may still be visible despite the bleaching. Special attention should also be paid to the compatibility of the products on the skin. In many cases, redness, rashes and skin irritations occur.

This method of removing a woman’s beard, like laser removal, is also only useful for dark hair, as there is no significant effect on light beard hair. Many women also swear by simple household remedies for bleaching facial hair, which are supposed to make the moustache lighter. These include, for example, lemon juice or potato juice.

It should be noted that bleaching, be it chemical from hydrogen peroxide or natural from citric acid, can be very irritating for the skin. More and more women today use depilatory creams to remove their moustache. These creams contain the active ingredient eflornithine which, when used regularly, inhibits hair development.

As a result, the hair grows back much more slowly and one has to shave or epilate the hair less often. However, it should be noted that patients have to be patient, as it can take 6-8 weeks before slowed hair growth becomes noticeable. Alternatively, there are also depilatory creams which do not have a long-term effect, but only remove the hair.

These creams, which are also available for leg hair, for example, are applied to the beard and left on for several minutes. Afterwards the hair can be washed off together with the cream. However, many women react with a strong skin irritation to the chemical ingredients, therefore the compatibility should be done on a small piece of skin in advance. The suppliers of these depilatory creams promise hairlessness for several weeks.