Facial Swelling: Causes, Treatment & Help

Facial swelling can occur for a wide variety of reasons. These reasons include, for example, allergies, headaches, kidney dysfunction, and diseases of the head and facial area. Facial swelling also occurs with some childhood diseases, such as the mumps, and with diseases of the teeth and jaw.

What is facial swelling?

Some of the causes of facial swelling include allergies, headaches, kidney dysfunction, and diseases of the head and facial area. Facial swelling is the unnatural swelling in the facial area that is not due to weight gain. In kidney patients, this is the typical “doughy” edema under the eyes. Many internal diseases, which can affect not only the kidneys but also the liver and other organs, are accompanied by facial swelling. Alcohol abuse and drug abuse can also be manifested by facial swelling. Facial swelling is very common with bad teeth and diseases in the jaw area, as well as after dental procedures, although it is usually unilateral. Acute allergic reactions can also lead to facial swelling. Finally, all-nighters, headaches, migraine attacks and trigeminal neuralgia are also responsible for facial swelling.


Facial swelling that cannot be explained in any other way should always lead the affected person to a doctor. The doctor can sometimes make a tentative diagnosis based on the type of swelling and examine the patient in this direction. He will do a blood count, check the function of the kidneys and possibly send the patient to the dermatologist to do an allergy test. Sometimes facial swelling under the eyes is the first sign of chronic or acute kidney failure, especially in kidney patients. If there is a life disease, facial swelling is also very common. Not only acute alcohol abuse can lead to such swelling, but also chronic liver failure and liver cancer. Migraine attacks can cause a variety of symptoms, and it is not at all uncommon for facial swelling, usually on one side, to occur during such an attack. Trigeminal neuralgia is also a very painful condition, because this fifth cranial nerve is damaged or inflamed. Diseases of the teeth and jaws lead to unilateral, sometimes considerable facial swelling.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Allergy
  • Common cold
  • Kidney inflammation
  • Mumps
  • Tooth root inflammation
  • Kidney weakness
  • Renal pelvic inflammation
  • Kidney failure with urine poisoning (uremia)
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Liver failure
  • Drug addiction
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Migraine
  • Acute renal failure
  • Liver cancer (liver carcinoma)

Diagnosis and course

While facial swelling in dental and jaw diseases gradually disappears after treatment, other patients are affected by facial swelling that may be permanent. These include patients with diseases of the liver, kidney, thyroid, and heart. Here, just as in the case of jaw disorders, the causes must be treated, but improvement is not in sight in all cases. Especially in kidney diseases, edema, i.e. water retention under the eyes, is characteristic and it is above all chronic. Contact and food allergies as well as insect bites can also lead to facial swelling, which the doctor can detect during further examinations. Physical violence unfortunately occurs again and again in families. Physicians are required to look for facial swelling, especially in children and in women, which may be caused by beatings and other forms of abuse. Not every child and not every woman talk about physical violence, which occurs in all social classes of society.


Facial swellings are particularly nasty not only because of their appearance visible to all. They can also lead to massive complications. Depending on the cause of the swelling, different complications are possible. If the cause is erysipelas (erysipelas), the first complication is the possibility of blistered detachments of the upper layer of the skin.Then the infection can spread in the area of the lymph nodes, which sometimes leads to swelling of the lymph nodes. Blisters or hemorrhages in the area of inflamed skin areas caused by streptococci as pathogens can occur especially when toxins (poisonous substances) are secreted. People with a disturbed immune system are particularly at risk for lymphatic congestion because the lymph can no longer drain properly. Lymphedema (swelling of the lymph) cannot be ruled out. In the worst case, the lymphatic swellings become irreversibly interspersed with connective tissue. Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and, in rare cases, sepsis (blood poisoning) are also possible. The kidneys are also at risk due to immunological misreactions. If bacteria get into the brain, meningitis can no more be ruled out than cerebral vein thrombosis. Chronicities are also known. In the case of shingles with swellings in the face, care must be taken that zoster ophthalmicus does not manifest itself in the form of inflammation with respect to the conjunctiva, sclera, or iris or cornea. Paralysis of the eye muscle is also possible and, like all other complications, should be promptly investigated by a specialist orphthalmologist. In the ear region, zoster oticus can lead to fascial paralysis. If the pain still persists after about four weeks, the stage of postherpetic neuralgia with or without sensory disturbances is present.

When should you see a doctor?

Swelling of the face can be an important warning sign from the body that is imperative to listen to. It is imperative to clarify why the discomfort occurred. This is especially true for sudden and easily visible swellings that are not due to any specific cause. This is because there is often the suspicion of a previously unknown allergy. Especially after the consumption of nuts or other foods that are frequent reference point of an intolerance, early medical advice is helpful. This also applies if another allergic shock is suspected. If food intolerance is known, the relevant medication should be administered. Subsequently, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. However, even if the facial swelling is in all likelihood not the result of an allergy or intolerance, obtaining professional medical treatment is essential. It is true that it is not necessary to consult the emergency doctor. However, waiting for a long time is counterproductive. It could jeopardize the success of treatment and intensify the existing causes. Because of the large number of possible causes, facial swelling should be treated with particular care. In case of doubt, those affected should thus opt for a visit to the doctor in order to protect themselves and others from danger.

Treatment and therapy

The treatment of facial swelling is carried out entirely according to the cause that underlies it. For example, cold compresses after tooth extractions and other jaw treatments can provide relief and cause the swelling to go down. If there is an acute allergy, then the doctor can treat this with antihistamines, which are either injected or administered in tablet form. Headache, migraine and trigeminal neuralgia very often pass into chronic forms with acute attacks. After the end of such pain attacks, facial swellings that have occurred usually disappear very quickly. While affected patients could hardly be helped a few decades ago, modern painkillers and treatment preparations are available today. Migraine in particular can have a variety of causes, such as hormonal fluctuations, food intolerances and a family disposition. In order to treat migraine, trigeminal neuralgia and other forms of facial pain and headaches, as well as the facial swelling that occurs, time and patience are needed. If the physician recognizes that facial swelling is present in children or adolescents, such as the oft-cited “black eye,” he must not only perform an accurate full-body examination. He or she must document the injuries and immediately notify the appropriate authorities so that affected minors can be offered protection and assistance.

Outlook and prognosis

If the facial swelling is due to allergy, the symptoms can usually be treated very successfully with medication.Creams, ointments and eye and nose drops containing antihistamines or cortisone are used to counteract the allergic inflammation. The facial swelling subsides promptly after using these medications. However, the patient must expect the facial swelling to recur with each contact with the allergen. In the case of contact allergies and food intolerances, an adjustment of lifestyle and consumption habits is necessary. It is more difficult for patients who suffer from hay fever or are allergic to house dust, since in these cases consistent avoidance of the irritants is hardly possible. These patients must be prepared for a chronic illness and the constant recurrence of certain symptoms. In severe cases, hyposensitization (vaccination cure) is also an option, but this is lengthy and not suitable for all sufferers. In the case of facial swelling due to problems with the teeth or jaw, a visit to the dentist usually provides immediate relief. Occasionally, facial swelling occurs during the growth of the so-called wisdom teeth. In this case, the dentist is usually unable to provide therapeutic support. However, the swellings are harmless and disappear by themselves after a few days. If the facial swelling is due to an underlying disease, such as a cold or a childhood illness, then the symptoms usually subside in parallel with the causative disease.


Facial swelling can often be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. Allergy sufferers are treated with desensitization by dermatologists and allergists, and the triggering allergen must be avoided. Regular visits to the dentist help prevent tooth decay and gum inflammation, and thus facial swelling. Patients with migraine, trigeminal neuralgia and other forms of headache can have their underlying disease treated in the long term. In the case of diseases of the internal organs, the treatment of the underlying disease is paramount so that chronic facial swelling does not occur. Children and women require help for abuse and resulting facial swelling.

This is what you can do yourself

Facial swelling is not only painful, but can also be a severe burden in everyday life. Depending on the trigger of the facial swelling, there are options that can be taken in addition to medical therapy to alleviate the suffering. Cold helps against swelling. Cooling pads from the pharmacy can be wrapped in a tea towel and held against the affected area. Alternatively, ice cubes can be used for this purpose. It is important not to press on too tightly. Such cold treatment should not last longer than ten minutes at a time. However, it can be performed up to five times a day. An old home remedy for facial swelling is the use of a turmeric and sandalwood paste. This can be easily made by yourself. To do this, simply mix red sandalwood with the same amount of turmeric to form a homogeneous mixture. The mixture can then be applied to the affected areas of the skin. This paste has a soothing and decongestant effect and can be washed off with water after half an hour. Triggers for swelling in the face can also be incorrect dietary patterns. Often, too much sodium consumption is the cause. Too much sodium consumption in the form of table salt can lead to accumulations of fluid in the skin tissue. Accordingly, it may be helpful to reduce salt consumption. Fluid accumulation under the facial skin can further be alleviated by an additional pillow. If the head is elevated while sleeping, the fluid can drain more easily.