Fasting risks


therapeutic fasting, diet, nutrition, losing weight

  • Fasting
  • Removing fasting
  • Fasting Guide
  • Fasting History
  • Fasting risks
  • Lent
  • Fasting cure

Straight ones with patients, who did not accomplish before ever a chamfering cure, should seize first some precautionary measures, in order to experience no bad surprises. With a chamfering cure despite the discharge days before a cure more or less abruppt the otherwise plentifully available fuel, the solid food, is withdrawn. Despite sufficient drinking it can come thereby to vertigo symptoms, decrease in output and weakness as well as to blood pressure drop.

Patients who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as heart failure, low blood pressure and dizziness, should be very careful with fasting cures. In the beginning, a feeling of weakness and dizziness must almost always be expected, as well as an irritated or hypersensitive appearance under certain circumstances. These symptoms, however, all decrease as the cure progresses.

Once the body has adjusted to the new metabolic situation, patients are usually better off than before. At the beginning, most of the participants in the course of the cure are troubled by the feeling of hunger. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, which demands its solid food.

After 24 hours the feeling of hunger disappears. Furthermore, many patients describe that after the laxative measures the feeling of hunger is also no longer present. Further precautions are to be observed with children and with old humans.

With them chamfered should be likewise renounced. While the body is denied food and mainly liquids are supplied, care must be taken that the mineral metabolism and the acid-base balance is maintained. By constant intestine cleaning it can come to an imbalance.

This danger is increased if water is the only liquid consumed. Patients, who have to suffer thus from illnesses of the kidneys, should likewise do without accomplishing a chamfering cure. In order to avoid imbalances in the mineral metabolism, also sufficiently tea and vegetable broth should be taken to itself.

Humans, who suffer from diabetes mellitus should likewise do without a chamfering cure. Reason is at the beginning with nearly all patients falling blood sugar mirror, which can be balanced with healthy persons by appropriate countermeasures of the body. With Diabetiker, which suffer from a constant imbalance between blood sugar increase and Unterzuckerung and insulin or similar medicines must take, have an extremely large risk of a Unterzuckerung during chamfered to suffer.

In addition, the dosage of insulin must be adjusted to the meals. If a diabetic participated in a fasting cure, this would mean an almost complete readjustment of the patient with insulin. Before the first chamfered in any case a detailed physical investigation should be accomplished with the physician and objections to a chamfering cure should be inquired.