Fatigue during Pregnancy

Pregnancies are a burden for the female organism: body and hormones change, which may cause various complaints. In particular, the first few weeks put many pregnant women. Many complain of persistent fatigue. Yet fatigue during pregnancy is a perfectly normal accompanying symptom and no cause for concern.

Causes of fatigue during pregnancy

There are many causes of fatigue during pregnancy. Ultimately, pregnancy is a physical performance. Especially in the first trimester, there is a hormonal change accompanied by the first changes in the female body. The hormonal change results from the development of the placenta. The placenta is tissue that provides the child with all nutrients and protects it during pregnancy. A special role in the hormonal change is played by the hormone progesterone, which initially increases sharply. Pregnancy lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, and the metabolism works more slowly than before. It is not uncommon for pregnancy to be accompanied by hypothyroidism or iron deficiency. A blood test can provide information in the case of corresponding symptoms. Ultimately, the growth of the placenta requires additional blood cells, which are produced via the bone marrow, to supply the child. Accordingly, the heart has to work harder to pump the extra blood through the body. Fatigue is also promoted by a poor diet, lots of sugar and fatty foods, lack of oxygen and little exercise. Due to the growing girth, sleep may be limited as the pregnancy progresses. While pregnant women usually feel fitter again in the second trimester, fatigue increases again in the final weeks. At this time, physical exertion also reaches its maximum.

Tips against fatigue

Fatigue during pregnancy is a normal symptom. However, it can be alleviated. To do this, pregnant women should keep an eye on their diet. Especially if the fatigue states occur more frequently after the third month, deficiency symptoms may be the cause. A blood count provides information about which substances the patient is lacking. The physical changes and the care of the unborn child increase the need for nutrients. If this is not adequately covered, iodine deficiency and iron deficiency, for example, become noticeable. As a rule, such deficiencies can be remedied by proper nutrition. This includes, above all, the generous consumption of cereals such as oats, wheat bran and millet, whole grain products and legumes. To prevent other deficiency symptoms, the diet should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition to a generally healthy diet, pregnant women should make sure to drink enough fluids. Tap water and unsweetened herbal teas are particularly suitable. Once stores are replenished and deficiencies disappear, sufferers feel fitter. When blood pressure and blood sugar fluctuate, various phenomena occur that contribute to a general feeling of unwellness. These include, for example, dizzy spells and circulatory problems. For many women, the symptoms are most noticeable in the morning after getting up. A healthy and active lifestyle alleviates fatigue. Meals should be taken regularly and enough time should be scheduled for walks or other sports activities. Exercise and fresh air get the circulation going, which makes fatigue disappear. Overall, pregnant women do not have to give up sports. It depends on the type of sport and intensity – appropriate activities such as swimming, cycling, gymnastics and walking are even recommended. The development of the child affects the woman’s body. Pregnant women should not expose themselves to stressful situations. This also includes fatigue. That is why it is important not to ignore the signs of the body. Pregnant women may take enough breaks throughout the day and should make sure to get enough sleep. A night’s rest of at least eight hours is recommended. Incidental household chores can be transferred more to the life partner, so that the pregnant woman has time for a break during a fatigue phase. If the body demands rest and sleep, it is okay to give in to its needs.However, napping too long can also make your circulation sluggish.

Beware of pick-me-ups

Pregnancy means a physical change to which pregnant women must adapt their living conditions. Even if everyday life is stressful and the job is demanding- women should rather do without pick-me-ups such as caffeine during pregnancy. The caffeine in coffee, cola or black tea enters the bloodstream of the unborn child via the placenta and can affect the development of the embryo. Employers are required to allow pregnant women to take short rest breaks. For the well-being of the child, women should avoid medications and stimulants as much as possible during pregnancy and the breastfeeding phase. The same applies to iron preparations from the pharmacy. In the event of a deficiency, medications should only be taken after consulting the attending physician.

Sleeping in advance is allowed!

Fatigue during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon. To alleviate the state of exhaustion, natural remedies are recommended. Stimulant substances such as caffeine, on the other hand, are better avoided. Fatigue is a normal reaction of the body to the changed circumstances and is usually not a cause for concern. Pregnant women should accept fatigue and listlessness and adapt by getting enough sleep, taking breaks, exercising in the fresh air and eating a healthy diet. After all, pregnancy is an exceptional state of the organism. Restructuring the daily routine contributes to a relaxed and pleasant pregnancy.