Fatty tissue and metabolism | Fatty tissue

Fatty tissue and metabolism

Fatty tissue is essential for the body to survive, but too much body fat is harmful. Above 30% fat tissue in the body is referred to as obesity. In Germany, many preventive measures aim to warn consumers against unhealthy eating.

One example is the energy value tables prescribed on food products, which indicate the percentage of the product that it covers from daily requirements. The guideline is 2500 calories per day for men and 2000 calories per day for women. These values can of course vary upwards or downwards depending on sporting activity.

Professional racing cyclists or extreme mountain climbers, for example, consume up to 10,000 calories per day to cover their energy requirements. However, people with a normal metabolism should always make sure to stay in the range of 2000-2500 calories and compensate with physical activity if necessary. For example, squash or spinning are among the sports that burn a lot of energy.

A large amount of fatty tissue is therefore consumed here. On the other hand, a change in diet to Mediterranean food can also promote weight reduction. As a rule of thumb, if you supply the body with more energy than it needs, the excess energy is stored in the fatty tissue.

Accompanying diseases that are associated with an increase in the proportion of fatty tissue in the body are shortness of breath, reduced performance, fatigue, high blood pressure, listlessness, but also psychological symptoms such as depression or social withdrawal. In case of strong, unwanted weight gain, however, an underactive thyroid gland should always be clarified. Due to a lack of production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, this leads to a reduced energy metabolism in the body and thus to an increased build-up of fatty tissue, says weight gain.Hypothyroidism can be diagnosed by the family doctor by taking a blood sample and subsequent blood tests in the laboratory. Type 2 diabetes (so-called adult-onset diabetes) and arteriosclerosis are also among the risks of obesity. In any case, a change in diet and lifestyle is recommended in order to reduce the excess fatty tissue.