Fears and Phobias: the 7 Most Common Misconceptions

For outsiders, it is often difficult to understand when anxiety patients no longer go out of the house, do not visit friends or relatives and break off all social contacts. Nevertheless, those affected suffer extremely from their anxiety – even if they appear physically completely healthy.

1. only women are anxious

Not at all. Failing at work, losing your job or not being accepted by others are common worries that also affect men. As a study by DAK shows, the stronger sex, for example, is more afraid of being alone than women.

2. everyone can get a grip on their anxiety

In many cases, self-help is not enough. When the panic becomes so great that you are afraid of the fear, a vicious circle is created. Professional help from expert therapists is the only way out here.

3. fear is always negative

No. In normal measure, fear is a natural protective reaction. This feeling ensures that we are cautious in dangerous situations.

4.Situations that trigger fear should be avoided.

If you consistently avoid elevators, subways or crowds, you limit your activities. At worst, sufferers can only stay within their own four walls. In behavioral therapy, for example, patients consciously confront their fears. In this way, they learn that nothing can happen in the relevant situations.

5. Fear is a sign of weakness

Quite the opposite. Fear patients are often even very courageous people. This is especially true for phobics. They tend to react bravely in situations where others get scared and panic.

6.Anxiety disorders are always psychological in nature.

Absolutely not. They can have very different causes. Stress is often the trigger. Certain physical illnesses such as hyperthyroidism also lead to anxiety attacks. Substance abuse or hereditary predisposition can also cause the symptoms.

7.Anxieties and phobias only trigger mental discomfort.

Not at all. As a rule, there are also physical accompanying symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating or dizziness. There may be to even an increase in blood lipid levels and blood pressure.