

Fencamfamine is not commercially available as a drug in many countries. Legally, it belongs to narcotics (schedule b) and is subject to the corresponding legislation. Unlike the designer drug camphetamine, fencamfamine is not banned.

Structure and properties

Fencamfamine (C15H21N, Mr = 215.3 g/mol) is structurally closely related to the narcotic camphetamine. It is a methamphetamine derivative and belongs to the amphetamines.


Fencamfamine (ATC N06BA06) has central stimulant, appetite suppressant, and psychotropic properties.

Indications for use

Fencamfamine was originally developed as an appetite suppressant and has been used as a stimulant (Reactivan, Merck). Fencamfamine is also abused as a narcotic and party drug.