

In many countries, there are no drugs with fenetylline on the market. Fenetylline is one of the narcotics and requires an aggravated prescription. Captagon tablets were previously available in some European countries.

Structure and properties

Fenetylline (C18H23N5O2, Mr = 341.4 g/mol) is a derivative of amphetamine and theophylline. The two molecules are covalently linked by an ethyl group. Fenetylline is present in drugs as fenetylline hydrochloride.


Fenetylline (ATC N06BA10) is a prodrug of amphetamine and theophylline. It has central stimulant, sympathomimetic, disinhibitory, and psychotropic properties. The effects are due to increased release of neurotransmitters in the brain.


Fenetylline can be abused as a stimulant intoxicant and doping agent. Because of the potential adverse effects, this is strongly discouraged. According to media reports, counterfeit Captagon was widely used in the Syrian civil war. However, according to scientific research, these tablets often do not contain fenetylline, but other stimulants and active ingredients.


Fenetylline was also used medicinally in the past (Captagon), but is now obsolete:

  • Drive disorders
  • ADHD
  • Narcolepsy


The drug is administered perorally.