Ferro sanol®

The active ingredient of Ferro sanol® is iron glycine sulphate, which is a good supplier of the mineral iron. With a daily supply of pure iron of at least 15mg the body is sufficiently supplied. If this is substituted by iron glycine sulphate, a higher quantity must be taken to ensure an adequate supply of the body.

The body can only absorb iron in its bivalent form (iron(II) compounds) via the intestines. In almost all metabolic processes, iron is needed as a messenger substance, and iron is also an important component of the red blood pigment haemoglobin. Haemoglobin performs the task of oxygen transport in the body, so that all body cells can be supplied with sufficient oxygen.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

If there is an iron deficiency for a longer period of time, the formation of haemoglobin (red blood pigment) and the red blood cells is reduced and a so-called iron deficiency anaemia occurs, during which the following symptoms can occur:

  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pallor
  • Open corners of the mouth
  • Gastrointestinal complaints

Causes for iron deficiency

A deficiency of iron in the body can occur due to malnutrition and disturbances in absorption, but it is also common when there is an increased need, as is the case in pregnancy and lactation. The need for iron in the body is also increased during periods of growth or due to major blood loss such as after bleeding (trauma or surgery) or blood donation.

Note on taking

Since the absorption of iron is greatest on an empty stomach, it should be taken in the morning before breakfast. Occasionally, however, sensitive individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort if the medication is taken on an empty stomach. By dividing the daily dose or so-called depot capsules and taking it with meals that are very rich in meat and contain vitamin C, tolerance can be improved.