Fibromyalgia: Drug Therapy

Therapy target

To improve health-related quality of life while weighing the benefits and risks of the therapy components.

Therapy recommendations

  • Therapy initiation as a non-pharmacological intervention, first and foremost aerobic exercise and strength training.
  • If the non-pharmacological measures do not lead to success → individualized and the needs of the patient adapted pharmacological therapies (see below):
    • Psychological therapies (mainly in the form of cognitive therapies – see “Further therapy” below):
      • Pain-related depression
      • Anxiety
      • Tendency to catastrophize
      • Excessively passive or active coping
    • Psychopharmacological treatment:
      • Severe depression or anxiety
    • Pharmacotherapy:
  • In case of response to pharmacotherapy (see overview), a drug discontinuation trial should be considered with the patient after a therapy duration of 6 months at the latest (AWMF guideline FMS).
  • Should not be used:
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (guideline: stronger consensus).
    • Strong opioids (guideline: stronger consensus).
  • In cases of severe functional impairment and frequent absence from work, multimodal rehab is recommended.

Note: For patients with fibromyalgia, a psychiatric diagnosis is required to identify and treat the presence of psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or depressive disorder.

Active ingredients (main indication)

Active ingredient group Active ingredients
First choice
Anticonvulsant Pregalabine
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Fluoxetine
Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor Duloxetine
Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline
  • Most agents in this indication are in off-label use (use outside the indications or group of people for which the drugs are approved by drug authorities)
  • Use only for a limited time, consider long-term administration in individual cases.

Supplements (dietary supplements; vital substances)

Suitable dietary supplements should contain the following vital substances:

  • Vitamins (vitamin D (calciferols))
  • Minerals (magnesium)
  • Other vital substances (coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10))