Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Prevention

The treatment or therapy of fibromyalgia includes medicinal, physiotherapeutic and physical-therapeutic approaches. Before the medicamentous administration stands however the patient training and a special perseverance training. Here, the affected person learns everything about fibromyalgia and how he can influence it by the way he deals with it. He is taught about the chronic nature of the disease fibromyalgia and pointed to a daily routine adapted to this disease.

Fibromyalgia: exercise as therapy

In particular, a regular wake-sleep rhythm should be maintained with the same times to fall asleep every day. Very important, in addition to drug treatment, is a consistently performed regular, that is, daily physical activity.

Initially, this can take the form of physiotherapeutic care, but in the long term, an independently performed daily exercise session is sufficient to alleviate the pain sensations. Occupational therapy, Tai Chi and Qigong also help.

Accompanying physical therapy measures such as heat therapy, massage or electrotherapy are used.

Fibromyalgia: therapy through medication

Antidepressants (amitryptiline) or sleeping pills from the benzodiazepine group are the preferred medications. These can cause a significant reduction of symptoms in patients via positive influence on the deep sleep phase. It is important to increase the dose slowly in order to achieve an optimal effect with side effects that are still tolerable. Side effects include, in particular, weight gain, dry mouth, and impaired consciousness.

Analgesics unsuitable

All known painkillers especially the anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac or ibuprofen are not suitable for the treatment of fibromyalgia, because it is not a pain caused by inflammation. Therefore, they should not be used here.

Long-term care is individualized to each sufferer.

Complementary treatment for fibromyalgia

Complementary acupuncture, homeopathy and psychological treatment are used. Relaxation methods such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson round out the treatment.

From a treatment in a cold chamber, a TENS treatment or Tenderpoint injections (tender points) the experts advise against with the present study situation.

Top 10 fibromyalgia therapies.

Experts from various medical associations and the German Rheumatism League have examined the current firbromyalgia therapies for their effectiveness. According to this study, the various forms of therapy for fibromyalgia are in the following order, depending on the likelihood of success:

  1. Multimodal therapy
  2. Individually adapted endurance training
  3. Antidepressants of the amitryptiline type
  4. Behavioral therapy
  5. Acupuncture
  6. Relaxation techniques (in multimodal therapy)
  7. Balneotherapy and spa therapy
  8. Therapeutic writing
  9. Tai-chi and qigong (in multimodal therapy)
  10. Whole-body heat therapy (in multimodal therapy).

Prevention and progression of fibromyalgia.

Due to the lack of a clear cause, prevention is not possible. The course is chronic. Causal therapy is not currently possible because of the unknown cause. Unfortunately, a cure or sustained improvement is rather rare and an individual prognosis is thus difficult to make.

It should be emphasized, however, that despite the protracted course, there is never any functional impairment – unlike, for example, chronic polyarthritis, which is accompanied by severe functional limitations. When the disease has occurred, it is important to consistently maintain active mobility.