Fields of application | Devil’s Claw

Fields of application

The Devil’s Claw is used alone for mild pain and for more severe pain to support existing therapy. The plant is not suitable for the treatment of acute and severe pain. Its effect only sets in within two to four weeks.

The phytopharmaceutical industry is trying to optimize plant extracts so that they can develop their full effect and counteract inflammation. The remedy used is not the fruits, but the thick storage roots deep in the earth. This is why the root is the most valuable part, because the side arms of the devil’s claw contain the healing active ingredients.

The natives in South Africa knew the plant for a long time and used the tuberous side shoots of the Devil’s Claw root against rheumatic diseases and for stomach and intestinal complaints. The aqueous or alcoholic – aqueous extracts from the secondary storage roots of Devil’s Claw are used for

  • Inflammatory joint diseases
  • Chronic back pain, especially back pain due to wear
  • Wear-related joint complaints, i.e. arthrosis of the knee joints (gonarthrosis) or arthrosis of the hip joints (coxarthrosis) or arthrosis of the vertebral joints (facet syndrome)
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Lumbago
  • Inflammation of tendons (like z.B. with tennis elbow or golf elbow)


Why the devil’s claw works pain-relieving, rheumatic complaints such as back and joint complaints work against, is not yet clarified. But that it relieves complaints, so that the mobility of the muscles and joints as well as the load capacity improve is reported by users again and again. Devil’s Claw only ceases to be effective for wear-related illnesses such as back pain or arthrosis after a period of several weeks.

The anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effect of a standardized Devil’s Claw extract has been proven in rats and mice. Clinical studies with patients have also been reported. The aim is to significantly reduce pain during certain movements in the Devil’s Claw preparation group compared to the group that had taken an ineffective placebo preparation, while improving mobility. Patients with arthrosis or a rheumatic disease should benefit in particular.