Fighting bad breath according to its cause | Remove bad breath

Fighting bad breath according to its cause

Especially the consumption of raw garlic causes strong bad breath that lasts for hours. This is due to the fragrances contained in garlic, which still rise from the stomach into the oral cavity even after brushing one’s teeth. But even bad breath caused by garlic can be eliminated by following various tips.

Probably the most widespread remedy for garlic-associated bad breath is milk. Immediately after eating garlic-containing food, drinking a glass of milk can work wonders. The reason for this is that the fat molecules in milk are able to directly bind the odorous substances of garlic.

This makes it almost impossible for the bad odors to rise from the stomach. In addition, chewing fresh parsley leaves can also be helpful in case of bad smelling breath caused by the consumption of garlic. Just chewing a few leaves helps to effectively eliminate bad breath.

Many affected people swear by the halitosis-removing effect of fresh bread, which also binds the scents of garlic. To prevent bad breath from developing in the first place, ginger can be used in addition to garlic for cooking. In this way, the strong note is neutralized while preparing the meal without disturbing the garlic taste.

Chewing ginger after a meal can also help to eliminate bad breath. Almost everyone knows the ubiquitous “alcohol flag” after a boisterous evening with friends.Despite brushing your teeth, you wake up the next morning with a very unpleasant breath, which can be improved or even almost neutralized with a few tips. Since oral hygiene was often neglected the night before, it should be made up for.

A thorough cleaning of the teeth and tongue with dental floss, toothpaste and toothbrush are a good start on the way to fresh breath. Furthermore, a mouthwash should be used to freshen the entire breath. For on the way, there are lozenges available in the pharmacy that whitewash the smell better than candy.

Peppermint chewing gums can also help in this situation, so that the surroundings don’t notice anything from last night. Smoking very often causes very unpleasant bad breath. In the beginning it is only the prominent smoke odor, which settles in the oral cavity.

Here it is possible to neutralize the odor with various aids. Besides brushing your teeth, chewing gum helps very well. For long-time smokers, however, who smoke several cigarettes a day, these aids can often have very little effect.

Here the smell is usually caused by a disease of the dental bed. Through the permanent irritation of the oral cavity, bacteria that cause periodontitis can multiply more easily. If the disease manifests itself, an unpleasant odor develops, which can only be removed by dental treatment. The dentist also calls this “periodontal odor”.