Fir Tip Syrup


Fir tip syrup is available in many countries, for example, from A. Vogel (Santasapina, A. Vogel fir tip syrup, also as cough drops) and as a home specialty on the market, for example, the Bündner Bergwaldsirup. It can also be made by yourself.


Fir tip syrup usually contains an extract from the branch tips and buds collected in spring of the common spruce Karsten from the pine family, also known as red spruce or red fir. The syrup usually contains sugar, but can also be prepared with other sweeteners such as honey and other adjuvants. Alternatively and additionally, the tips of the silver fir are also used.


The syrup is believed to have expectorant, cough-irritant and antiseptic properties.

Indications for use

For the treatment of cough, especially cough with excessive formation of viscous mucus due to acute bronchitis. For the treatment of colds. The syrup is also consumed as a stimulant.


The syrup is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, children under 2 years, asthma and whooping cough. Use with caution in diabetes mellitus because of the sugar. Refer to the drug label for complete precautions.

Adverse effects

There are no reports of adverse effects.