Fitness and endurance training | Fitness

Fitness and endurance training

Targeted endurance training is indisputably the most important factor in fitness training. The improvement of endurance not only has a positive effect on performance, but also prevents degenerative cardiovascular diseases. These are among the most common diseases in the western world and occupy first place in the death statistics.

Abstinence from sport increases the risk of arteriosclerosis, which is one of the causes of cardiovascular disease. By a Fitness – oriented perseverance training the risk factors of a cardiac infarct are preventively prevented.In addition, endurance training, in addition to strength training and speed training, is often a prerequisite for various game sports (tennis, handball, soccer, field hockey etc.). To illustrate the positive effects of an endurance training, the effects are described in detail below. Heart Musculature Blood Lungs Immune System Psyche

  • Decrease of resting and exercise pulse
  • Increase of the maximum stroke volume
  • Enlargement of the heart muscle
  • The heart work is economized
  • Improved maximum oxygen uptake
  • Blood circulation is improved
  • Improved oxygen uptake
  • Blood vessels are dilated (reduced risk of arteriosclerosis)
  • Increased oxygen transport through the blood
  • Risk of thrombosis is reduced
  • Respiratory minute volume is increased.
  • Breathing is economized under stress
  • The immune system is strengthened
  • Risk of tumor formation is reduced
  • Reduction of stress
  • Positive feelings arise from the release of endorphins
  • Faster regeneration
  • Strengthening of self-confidence


Bodybuilding is a form of body modeling through targeted muscle building and dietary measures. Detailed information on this topic:

  • Bodybuilding
  • Natural Bodybuilding – what is that?

Due to lack of exercise and incorrect posture, back pain is the most common complaint of the musculoskeletal system. Back pain is synonymous with pain in the region of the sacrum.

In the English literature it is often referred to as “low back pain“. As can be seen from the many terms used above, back pain can have different origins. The cause does not always have to be in the region of the back. Information on training the back muscle can be found at Back training