Flank pain due to flatulence | Flank pain

Flank pain due to flatulence

Flank pain can occur in the context of flatulence. In the abdominal area lies the intestine, in which gas accumulates more often when flatulence occurs. If the gas cannot escape, unpleasant abdominal cramps can occur.

Depending on where the gases accumulate, pain can also occur at different points. Thus it is also possible that the pain extends into the flank area. Heat applications in the flank and abdominal area as well as, if necessary, antispasmodic agents can promote the release of the flatulence. This should also reduce the pain in time. If the pain persists, a medical clarification is recommended, since other causes may also be behind the pain.

The aortic dissection

Aortic dissection results in a tear in the vessel wall of the aorta. The tear causes blood to burrow between the layers of the vessel wall, so that a second cavity is formed next to the actual vessel opening. Depending on its location and symptoms, aortic dissection can be very dangerous and should be treated quickly.

Symptomatic aortic dissection is often caused by a strong, stabbing pain in the thorax and between the shoulder blades. If the bleeding continues to push through the layers of the vessel wall, the pain can migrate and spread further towards the back. It is possible for the pain to radiate into the flanks.


Shingles (herpes zoster) is a reactivated infection with the chickenpox virus. After having gone through a chickenpox illness, the virus remains in the body and can reappear in case of immunodeficiency. The shingles then manifests itself through a painful rash with small blisters, which spreads exactly along a nerve path. Often nerves in the back and flank area are affected, so that a belt-like rash can develop on one side of the back and one flank. Since the rash is very painful, the patient may initially only hear flank pain before the rash is even noticed.Various medicines can help to alleviate the symptoms and reduce the course of the disease if taken promptly after the onset of symptoms.