Flavanols: Interactions

Interactions of flavanols with other agents (micronutrients, foods):

Tea and nonheme iron

Dietary iron is present either in divalent form as a component of the heme molecule (Fe2+) or in trivalent form (Fe3+). Non-heme iron is found in plants, in dairy products, and in iron-containing dietary supplements, while heme iron is found mainly as hemoglobin and myohematin in meat, poultry, and fish. The flavonoids (epicatechin gallates) found in tea are able to bind the non-heme iron, inhibiting the intestinal absorption (absorption through the intestines) of this form of iron. A number of studies show that the absorption of non-heme iron is reduced by about 60-70% by consuming a cup of tea! Important Note!Therefore, if there is a risk of iron deficiency, it is advisable to drink tea or tea extracts between rather than with meals and not to drink tea in the period from one hour before to two hours after taking an iron-containing dietary supplement.