Fleas (Flea Bite): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fleas or a flea bite usually occur with very strong itching. Small pustules can be seen on the affected areas, often a lot of them. The bites of these parasites are not dangerous in our breitengraden, but extremely unpleasant. By taking appropriate measures, you can protect yourself from them.

What is a flea bite?

An infestation of fleas is usually very easy to recognize: on the skin there are many small pustules, which often bring very strong itching. These pustules are bright red, slightly raised and have about the size of one centimeter. The individual skin rednesses usually occur in groups or even in a row. To avoid secondary infection, the affected skin areas should not be scratched open. Otherwise pathogens can penetrate the skin and cause inflammation. The fleas can belong to different genera. While the human flea is very rare in our country, it is more often the cat flea or dog flea, which also bites humans. In addition, there are other species of fleas, such as hedgehog or chicken fleas.


The cause of fleas can be different. While the human flea mainly resides in humans, in our region it is usually a “stray” flea, when a person has received flea bites. Very often it is the cat flea. This can meet us everywhere: outdoors, in public institutions or our own pet has brought the parasites into the house. For fleas, the blood of mammals is vital, it is its only food. Therefore, a flea usually takes its blood meal once a day. However, an adult flea can go up to 2 months without food. Therefore, fighting fleas by “starving them out” is not really a good method. By the way, nothing is felt during the flea bite, because the flea secretes a painkilling secretion with the bite. The itching does not set in until the flea has finished its meal.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Flea bites are primarily recognized by the reddish discoloration of the skin. The bites itch intensely and cause papules or swelling on the skin. The actual flea bite has a reddish coloration that increases toward the center. Usually, two or more bites occur at the same time, creating the characteristic appearance of flea bites. After 12 to 24 hours, skin blisters or purulent pustules sometimes develop in the area around the bite, which are associated with intense itching. In the further course, the redness decreases and the bites take on an almost skin-colored appearance. In the absence of treatment, further flea bites usually develop, often on different parts of the body. Flea bites occur mainly on the legs and especially on the feet. Fleas also nest on the hips, bends of the knees and elbows, and armpits. The above symptoms usually persist for one to two weeks and then subside with appropriate treatment. If the bites are scratched open, a wound infection can develop. Infection is manifested by increasing itching, redness and, in some cases, bleeding. Scars may also be left behind.

Diagnosis and course

Diagnosis of fleas is quite easy. The best way is to identify the feces of the animals: since fleas like it warm and dark, they usually stay in the fur or hair. The fur should be combed out over a white paper. Then the combed out parts are moistened. If black crumbs turn red, this is flea excrement and an infestation can be determined with relative certainty. This color test works because fleas excrete the blood pigment of the ingested meals again. Dried blood is black and is recognizable as blood again after moistening. The diagnosis can also be made on the basis of the skin lesions. The less the pustules have been affected by scratching so far, the better the identification can take place. If fleas are suspected in the pet, a visit to the veterinarian should follow. If no pets are present and there is nevertheless an urgent suspicion of a flea infestation and not just a stray flea, the family doctor can help. In both cases, targeted treatments and methods can eliminate the flea infestation and associated symptoms.


At first glance, a flea bite is not a worrisome event.However, various complications may also occur in this connection. The bite itself will absolutely not hurt the affected person. However, an allergic reaction may occur afterwards. As a rule, a strong itching occurs already a few minutes after the bite, which is also visually noticeable by a reddened spot. Repeated itching can also cause the bite to become inflamed under certain circumstances. It is not uncommon for an open wound to develop, which should definitely be protected from bacteria and other contaminants. Otherwise, an infection can develop very quickly, so that pus can even form. Such a complication should definitely be treated by a doctor. However, inflammation can be treated very quickly and effectively with the right medication. Of course, it also plays a role in what kind of extent the bites occur. If the flea infestation is extremely severe, fellow humans can also be affected by the above-mentioned complications. Before taking measures against the bites, it is necessary to eliminate the fleas first. With regard to communicable diseases, there is absolutely no need to worry or worry within the Federal Republic of Germany.

When should you go to the doctor?

If itchy, red spots are noticed on the skin, they are probably flea bites. A doctor should be consulted if the noticeable skin spots have not disappeared after a week at the latest. If swelling or bleeding of the skin occurs, the affected person must seek medical advice on the same day. If fleas are detected early, they can be treated quickly and effectively. However, if the insect infestation is left untreated, serious complications can result. Infection is one such complication and must be treated immediately. At the latest, if other family members or work colleagues show signs of flea infestation, a visit to the family doctor is indicated. Children, the elderly, allergic persons and pregnant women should consult a specialist immediately with symptoms of a flea infestation. If painful white pustules form on the skin, this indicates an allergic reaction or advanced infestation. A doctor must examine the skin areas and prescribe a suitable medication for the affected person. A few days after treatment, the affected person should be examined again for fleas.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of a flea bite includes both symptom and cause control. In any case, mechanical action by scratching should be avoided as far as possible. This not only further irritates the skin, it can also lead to scarring and, in the worst case, to severe inflammation because pathogens have penetrated the open areas. The therapy of the symptoms depends on the existing extent. If the skin areas are already severely inflamed due to excessive scratching, ointments containing antibiotics can be used. If the affected person is allergic to the flea bites, cortisone provides good relief of the symptoms. Cooling creams or skin compresses are sufficient to relieve the itching of the pustules. A flea bite usually heals completely within 2 weeks. If the cause of fleas is a pet, the animal must be treated accordingly. Veterinarians have a variety of preparations available that effectively combat fleas. Frequently come here so. Spot ons to the employment or medical powders, which are worked into the fur and fight so the fleas. But also the environment must not be neglected. Dog blankets and other textiles with which the fleas may have come into contact should be washed at the highest possible temperature. In addition, thorough vacuuming of the entire living area is advised.

Outlook and prognosis

Infestation of fleas is not a major problem nowadays, thanks to good medical care and social changes in the last century. Normally, when seeking medical treatment, the patient is considered free of symptoms within 1-2 weeks. Since there are numerous species of fleas and they can appear in all public and private places, there is a rapid spread of the small animals. With adequate hygienic measures, drug treatment and specific precautions, the spread can be stopped quickly. For some affected people and a very small number of flea bites, no doctor is needed.Often, humans are only an intermediate host and the flea has already moved independently to another host within a few hours. In addition, flea bites usually heal completely after a short time. If open wounds occur, the healing process may be delayed. In some cases, pathogens enter the organism through the wounds and cause complications. In addition to the outbreak of other diseases, there is a risk of blood poisoning. If no early medical care takes place, the patient is threatened with death in this course of the disease. If the flea infestation leads to psychological disorders, complications can also occur. In addition to anxiety, panic attacks are possible consequences that contribute to a deterioration of well-being.


Prevention against fleas is not 100% possible. Since flea bites can occur anywhere, a real protection is not possible. However, pet owners should regularly check if their pet is infected with fleas. Many remedies against ticks, which are applied anyway, also prevent flea infestation. Despite these measures, however, flea bites can still occur.


As a rule, a disease proceeds without complications. Within two weeks, no more complaints are encountered. Rather, it is important to prevent a repeated occurrence of the fleas. This is most effectively done by preventive measures, which are the responsibility of the patient. Since pets are often the source of transmission, they should be examined regularly. Hygiene measures should be integrated into everyday life. Dust should be wiped more frequently and floors kept clean. Prevention aims at identifying and eliminating sources of infection. Sometimes infecting the sleeping area will not contain the flea infestation. Patients, by the way, do not build up immunity to the flea bite. Infection is always possible again. Flea infestation is accompanied by skin lesions. These are usually visible to the naked eye. In addition, the typical symptoms, such as itching, support a diagnosis. In the case of a recurrence, therapy depends on the intensity of the symptoms. An advanced disease requires a longer treatment. If inflammation is present, ointments containing antibiotics provide relief. If a disease is associated with an allergic reaction, cortisone promises healing.

What you can do yourself

In the case of an existing flea infestation, those affected can do a few things themselves to remedy the causes and the symptoms. First, the environment should be checked for a possible flea infestation. Often pets bring the fleas into the human environment. If the pets are free of fleas or if they are treated, all textiles should also be washed at the highest possible temperature. One’s own clothing as well as hand and bed linen should also be cleaned. To combat the symptoms, itch-relieving ointments or gel can be applied. The juice of aloe vera is available as a gel in pharmacies and cools naturally. Coconut oil has an equally gentle effect as a skin care product. In addition, the oil has a disinfecting property. Mechanical irritation of the skin by frequent scratching poses a risk of infection and should be avoided for this reason. Antiseptic ointments are used if there is already damage to the skin and infectious inflammation. Antibiotic treatment cannot be ruled out in this context either. Some patients also benefit from cortisone treatment. Special hygiene measures should also be observed. Rooms should be vacuumed more frequently and surfaces increasingly cleaned of dust. Subsequent cleaning of surfaces with a mixture of water and citronella oil drives away the bugs. Geranium oil and vinegar also do not like fleas.