Fluid Deficit Exacerbates Bladder Problems

The thought seems logical: if you drink little, you will form less urine and consequently have fewer bladder weakness problems. But bladder weakness cannot be prevented by drinking less. Sufferers usually achieve the opposite by doing so, because the concentrated urine increases the feeling of needing to urinate. In addition, too little fluid harms health: the risk of urinary tract infections and formation of kidney and bladder stones increases.

Fluid deficits can exacerbate bladder problems

One danger of bladder weakness is not drinking enough to avoid constant urination or not losing urine. But what looks like a viable solution at first glance is actually a fallacy. If only a small amount of fluid is available for urine formation, the kidneys have to concentrate the small volume of urine very heavily with the substances to be excreted. This work of concentration places a heavy burden on the vital kidneys, and highly concentrated urine can also further irritate the bladder.

Drinking habits

Patients with bladder weakness should tailor their drinking habits to their individual daily routine. This is because those who regulate their fluid intake at certain times have a better chance of being able to visit the toilet in a controlled manner. For example, you can reduce the amount you drink before leaving home and make up for it later when you get home. Similarly, you can avoid drinking as much as possible two to three hours before going to bed if you want to avoid going to the toilet at night. However, no one should drastically limit the amount they drink each day. At least one and a half liters is recommended by the German Nutrition Society, for example.

The color of urine is also a good indicator of water deficiency: If it is dark yellow, you are carrying too many toxins in your urine and your body needs more fluid. If, on the other hand, the urine appears very light, you are drinking enough. “Especially in summer, people with bladder weakness should remember to drink enough,” warns Erhard Hackler, managing director of DSL. If the fluid intake is too low, there is otherwise not only the risk of a urinary tract infection, but also the risk of severe circulatory problems. This is all the more true if you are physically exerting yourself more than usual.

Drink the right thing

It is also important to meet your fluid needs with the right drinks. Ideal thirst quenchers are, for example, water, still mineral water and herbal teas, as they contain no or few substances that irritate the bladder. Drinks such as coffee, black tea and beer, on the other hand, exacerbate bladder and urge symptoms. Affected individuals should therefore enjoy them only in small quantities or avoid them altogether if they plan to engage in activities outside the home.