Focal Segmental Sclerosing Glomerulonephritis: Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development)

The exact mechanisms of the development of focal segmental sclerosing glomerulonephritis are not clear. A primary form can be distinguished from a secondary form. The triggers of the primary form are mutations in various renal genes, whereas those of the secondary form are diverse.

Etiology (Causes)

Biographic causes

  • Genetic burden
    • Genetic in about 30% of cases (congenital podocyte diseases).
    • Mutations in the calcium channel TRPC6, in which there is hyperfunction of TRPC6 as a result of calcium channel activation (so-called gain-of-function mutations).
  • Skin type – dark skinned

Behavioral causes

Disease-related causes


  • After nephrectomy (removal of a kidney).
  • After kidney transplantation