Food intolerances | Nutrition for dry skin

Food intolerances

In addition to the deficiency situations described, certain intolerances and allergies, i.e. one too many instead of one too few, can also be the cause of dry skin. Allergy sufferers react to certain substances in food such as lactose, gluten or fructose not only via the gastrointestinal tract, but also via the skin. This can result in the triggering of a neurodermatitis attack, other affected persons react by forming impurities or get dry skin with a certain diet.

Many affected persons are able to digest the food, so that after consumption there are seldom strong complaints in the gastrointestinal tract. Nevertheless, the substances can irritate the intestines and thus permanently prevent the absorption of important vitamins and trace elements. This is subsequently noticeable on the skin. So anyone who suffers from dry skin and also occasionally from intestinal problems can observe whether these problems are related and whether they arise above all when consuming certain foods.


Zinc is a trace element that is involved in many vital metabolic processes. It is particularly important for the skin as it supports collagen synthesis. It is estimated that approximately 2 billion people worldwide suffer from a more or less pronounced zinc deficiency.

Especially babies, adolescents, older people and women of childbearing age often suffer from zinc deficiency. In western countries, incorrect nutritional patterns are mainly responsible for zinc deficiency. In addition to a reduced defense function, a low zinc level causes brittle nails, hair loss and also dry skin.

Zinc is mainly found in animal products such as red meat, offal, fish or sea animals, with oysters being the absolute leader. But zinc is also found in certain types of cheese such as Emmental or vegan products such as oatmeal or soy flour. As a drink, green tea in particular contains a lot of zinc.

Zinc is available as a dietary supplement in pharmacies and drugstores, but too much caution is advised with such self-medication. Zinc prevents the admission of further vital elements such as iron, copper and calcium and should be taken in no case over longer time in high doses. Therefore it is rather recommended to pay attention to a varied nutrition, which contains also products with high zinc portion. If the symptoms do not improve in the long term, a doctor should be consulted who can determine the zinc level and select a suitable dosage.