Food supplements as shakes | Dietary supplements for weight loss

Food supplements as shakes

Very popular and a supposedly easy way to lose weight is to take shakes. Various manufacturers offer blends that have a high protein and low carbohydrate content and a reduced calorie content. This is intended to replace meals and achieve weight loss without hunger. Also here one should pay attention to the fact that beside the protein need also all further macro and micro nutrients in sufficient measure are supplied apart from the protein need in short term the income of Shakes can obtain a success, however it lies in the hand of the individual to be able to hold its weight in the long run also with a “normal” nourishing way.

Procedure of the diet

Food supplements should only be used in exceptional cases if possible. A balanced diet and water intake usually provides all the necessary nutrients. Taking protein shakes with a low carbohydrate content (e.g. whey preparations) can be useful for extensive weight training.

They protect the muscles from excessive breakdown at low calorie intake. A calorie deficit is nevertheless necessary. Those who follow a strict low-fat diet and only eat lean meat should take omega fatty acids to cover their fat balance.

A varied diet is preferable, including vegetable oils, nuts and fatty fish. Recommendations of a physician, based on blood results, should however be followed. For example, iron deficiency is not uncommon, especially in women, and cannot be eliminated through diet. Here, dietary supplements or medication can help.

How much can I lose weight with dietary supplements?

Especially diet shakes promise a loss of even several kilos per week. They are strongly calorie-reduced and claim for themselves to contain all necessary nutrients nevertheless.If dietary supplements are only taken to supplement a moderately calorie-reduced diet, such as fatty acid preparations in a low-fat diet, a slow but stable weight loss can be expected. A weight loss of about half a kilo per week is realistic, depending on the starting weight and exercise profile.