Food supplements during pregnancy | Food supplements

Food supplements during pregnancy

During pregnancy many women ask themselves the question whether dietary supplements are necessary or whether a healthy diet covers the need for all nutrients. Studies show that over 80 percent of pregnant women take dietary supplements. In principle, however, if a woman of normal weight eats a healthy and balanced diet before and during pregnancy, then she does not need dietary supplements.

In most cases, however, it is advisable to take a dietary supplement containing the equally recommended nutrients iron, iodine and folic acid. An additional intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy is usually not necessary. A lack of nutrients due to an inadequate diet can manifest itself in the mother through tiredness, exhaustion, cramps, listlessness or concentration problems, while in the child it can lead to serious disorders (e.g. a neural tube defect).

Taking nutrient-rich supplements such as iron, folic acid, iodine and multivitamin preparations can never replace a healthy diet. It has been proven that nutrients are better absorbed through food than in tablet form. For pregnant women who belong to a risk group, such as women who are underweight, food intolerant, vegetarians or vegans, a vitamin supplement is recommended during pregnancy.