Foods to avoid | Nutrition in a gatritis

Foods to avoid

One should avoid anything that further attacks the stomach. This includes above all spicy or sour food or drinks. Foods that are generally suspected of causing a gastrointestinal infection, such as frozen products, doner kebabs, ice cream, sushi, egg dishes, meat that has not been processed by yourself, etc.

should also be avoided, as it cannot be guaranteed that the cold chain has not been interrupted. In the case of an existing gastritis, the defences of the digestive tract are already affected and can handle a new infection more badly. Even foods that are difficult to digest, such as mushrooms, salad, spinach, beans, cabbage and very fatty foods are unsuitable as foods for nutrition during a gastritis.

Care must also be taken with drinks, as some can further irritate the stomach lining. These include above all coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. These three are not recommended during a severe gastritis.

Even carbonated water should not be drunk. Cola should also be avoided, as it contains too much carbon dioxide and phosphorus. Very cold drinks should also be avoided in case of gastritis, as should juices.

Another stimulant that is bad for the stomach lining is cigarettes. Nicotine promotes the production of stomach acid, more acid worsens the inflammation of the stomach lining. In addition, nicotine stimulates the vomiting center centrally in the brain, which causes additional nausea in gastritis, as does alcohol.

Nutritional examples

The diet for gastritis depends heavily on the state of health and appetite of the individual. In phases of frequent vomiting, it is helpful if you can manage to drink enough fluids through tea and soups. In the recovery phase, when solid food is possible again without frequent vomiting, one could, for example, eat porridge or rusk with chamomile tea.

But also chicken or beef broth or cooked, easily digestible vegetables are suitable for consumption. Fruit can also be eaten. For example blueberries or peeled apples are suitable. Boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes with cooked vegetables are also easily digestible foods.