For pain after surgery | Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

For pain after surgery

StaphisagriaStephanskraut can be used when the pain is felt like sore and after smooth cuts. It is also suitable for very moody patients with an irritable mood, who are shy and easily offended. StaphisagriaStephanskraut is also useful when the symptoms are aggravated by anger, grief and early in the morning after getting up.

Homeopathics accompanying after eye surgery

Especially in cases of considerable light sensitivity after eye operations, when the patient sees flashes of light or colored courtyards around light sources can be used. Senega is particularly effective on the mucous membranes of the eyes. If the conjunctiva secrete a lot of mucus, Senega Rattlesnake Root can be used. After cataract surgery, Senega promotes healing.

In case of impaired intestinal function after surgery

Opium poppy can be used if:

  • After operations the intestinal function is impaired up to intestinal paralysis
  • Cramps and trembling of the muscles in arms and legs occur
  • After initial salivation dry oral mucosa appears

Plumbum aceticumBleizucker can be used if: Plumbum aceticumBleizucker is suitable for patients in whom the cramps improve by compressing and in whom all complaints are aggravated at night and by cold.

  • Stomach cramps occur
  • The belly is curved inwards
  • There is a vain urge to empty
  • The abdominal wall is hard and very sensitive to touch

After kidney stone and bladder surgery

PetroselinumCurly Leaf Parsley is used when there is a sudden and frequent need to urinate. Also when pain occurs in the urethra up to the orifice and the pain is also of a burning character.

As soon as there is an increased urge to urinate and the risk of infection after bladder surgery

StaphisagriaStefanskraut has a relationship with the mucous membranes of the sexual and urinary organs. Can be used in women who are sexually very irritable or who complain of vaginal itching. It is suitable for irritable and moody patients who are shy and easily offended.

In the patients for whom the remedy is suitable, all complaints are aggravated by anger and grief. Also in the morning after getting up everything is worse. ArnicaMountain Rental can be used for patients for whom the discomfort is aggravated by any movement and shaking, as soon as after an operation there is shattering pain in the muscles.