For which diseases is a wrist bandage used? | Wrist brace

For which diseases is a wrist bandage used?

A wrist bandage has the task of immobilizing the wrist with its bony and muscular parts and the tendon and ligament apparatus, so that at least one injured or inflamed element can recover and is not stressed further by movement. In order to find out for which disease it is used, one can simply consider which structures of the wrist can be relieved. After a sprained wrist, i.e. when the entire joint is affected by the injury, the wrist brace can help the structures involved to recover from the injury and heal by restricting movement.

In the case of instability in the wrist, a wrist bandage protects against excessive movement and thus supports a bone ligament apparatus that is no longer functional. A further condition for which a wrist brace can be used is wrist arthrosis, a wear-related reduction in joint cartilage and a change in the proportion of bone near the joint cartilage. In this case, the movements in the wrist become increasingly painful, while the process of cartilage wear continues continuously.

The wrist brace thus restricts the harmful movement and prevents the wrist from progressing at least to some extent. Inflammation of the tendon sheaths on the wrist is also a disease that hurts, especially during movement, and which can only come to rest and heal if it is taken lightly. A wrist bandage is a perfect part of the treatment, as it can be adjusted to the wrist even if swelling occurs in this context and can also be removed in between.

Furthermore, a wrist bandage can be used for any irritation of the hand, whether after an injury or surgery or even rheumatism, and can have a positive effect on healing. The good thing about such a bandage is that it is very easy to use, can be put on and taken off quickly and yet effectively limits movement in the wrist. Therefore, it is often included as a part of the treatment, especially if the wrist is regularly stressed by certain work in everyday life or by sports and its function should be maintained.

For mild to moderate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a wrist bandage can be worn. There are special bandages for this purpose which immobilize the wrist. They can be worn both during the day and at night when the pain becomes particularly severe.

Wrist bandages help many affected people to relieve the pain. Tendinitis triggers pulling and stabbing pain that depends on movement. A wrist bandage stabilizes the wrist and is well suited to immobilize and protect the affected area in the case of tendosynovitis. In this way the tissue can heal and wrist pain caused by certain movements can be reduced.