For which sports is it useful to take CLA? | CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)

For which sports is it useful to take CLA?

CLA are essential fatty acids. They cannot be synthesized by the body itself and must be supplied through food. In a balanced diet, the intake of food supplements is not absolutely necessary.

To cover the daily requirement of fatty acids, natural foods such as fish, oil, nuts, meat and dairy products should be used. A low-fat diet can lead to an undersupply of the building blocks essential for the metabolism. Athletes of all sports should supply their body with all essential nutrients and enough energy in the form of food for optimal performance.

A low-fat diet hinders endurance athletes as well as strength athletes who want to build up muscle mass in a healthy way. Also those who want to lose weight should not do without fats: The metabolism and thus the burning of fat reserves, only works with the necessary fuels and accelerators. Healthy athletes who take advantage of the positive effects of exercise and sport on their cardiovascular and immune systems should also follow a balanced diet.

In all these models, the intake of dietary supplements is only sensible if there is insufficient coverage through food. A healthy lifestyle and diet should always be a priority when taking capsules. In the world of sports, the intake of CLA and other dietary supplements is viewed critically.

Many athletes are in favour of taking supplements, especially if they are on a highly calorie-reduced diet and have a less varied diet, for example in preparation for a competition. In this case, supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids or CLA capsules are also used in weight training. In general, taking supplements does not replace a balanced, protein- and fat-containing diet.

Bodybuilders are particularly dependent on a high-protein diet and avoid foods containing carbohydrates. The intake of essential fatty acids is essential for the metabolism, digestion, cardiovascular system and other body systems to function smoothly. These cannot be produced by the body itself and, in addition to the synthesis of hormones, are also involved in cell formation.

Essential fatty acids should be supplied through a balanced diet, for example by eating fish, vegetable oils, nuts or nutmeg. CLA is found naturally mainly in dairy products and meat. Anyone who reduces their intake of these foods as part of a strict low-calorie diet should cover their requirements of essential fatty acids through dietary supplements. CLA and other supplements can be helpful here. In general, however, a balanced diet is preferable to taking dietary supplements.

Can you lose weight with CLA?

Weight loss results from a negative calorie balance. This means that the body receives less energy in the form of food than it needs for its metabolic processes and additional performance during the day. This requires the burning of fat reserves, which leads to a lasting reduction.

Thus, a decrease can only be achieved if the intake of calories through food is reduced. A decrease, solely by taking CLA capsules, is not possible. CLA capsules contain essential fatty acids that the body needs.

With calorie-reduced diets, a low-fat diet is often chosen, whereby the intake of essential fatty acids is kept alarmingly low. If these are not supplied in the form of food, such as fish, oil, nuts, dairy products, it may be necessary to resort to food supplements. In this respect CLA capsules can support weight loss. However, one should prefer a moderate calorie-reduced and therefore balanced diet. The loss of weight will then be slower, but in the long run it will lead to more stable results.