



The forefoot is the foremost part of the foot, it connects to the metatarsus and is formed by the five phalanges.


The forefoot is formed by: The joints between the toe joints are called interphalangeal joints. A distinction is made: The phalanges become shorter and more delicate from proximal (near the body) to distal (far from the body). Thus the basic phalanx is longer and wider than the final phalanx. The ground phalanges articulate at their joint surface with the metatarsal bones (Ossa metatarsalia) in the so-called metatarsophalangeal joint.

  • Big toe (Hallux)) The big toe on the other hand is in two parts and consists therefore only of basic and final phalanx.
  • Small toes (Digiti II-V) The small toes consist of 3 limbs each (phalanges, singular: phalanx), a distinction is made here between a basic, middle and final limb (phalanx proximalis, phalanx medialis and phalanx distalis).
  • A proximal and
  • A distal interphalangeal joint.