Foreign bodies in the paranasal sinuses | Foreign body in the nose

Foreign bodies in the paranasal sinuses

If a foreign body reaches further into the paranasal sinuses via the nasal passages, it is no longer so easy to remove. Moreover, in this case there is a great danger that it is not perceived as a foreign body, but is mistaken for a flu-like infection (common cold), which leads to heavy sneezing, rhinitis and secretion. If these foreign bodies remain in the paranasal sinuses for a longer period of time, the permanent irritation can cause inflammatory changes that can be accompanied by serious infections in the further course of the illness. On the one hand, these infections can lead to changes in bone structures, and on the other hand they can spread to structures of the eyes or the brain and be accompanied by blood poisoning or a circumscribed inflammation of the soft tissue. The foreign bodies in the paranasal sinuses therefore often require surgical removal.

Foreign body in the child’s nose

In children, foreign bodies in the nose occur significantly more frequently than in adults. This is due to the great curiosity and joy of exploration of small children. In the course of their growth and development, children have to observe and explore their environment and also various objects in detail.

While playing, they like to put small objects such as peas, coins, marbles or even pearls into their nostrils. In many cases, the foreign object triggers a strange feeling in their nose, so that the children are frightened, take a deep breath and thereby transport the foreign object further into the interior of the nose. If the parents observe the process and the foreign object has not yet disappeared too far into the nose, they should try to remove it quickly.

If this does not succeed, a doctor should always be consulted. Particular haste is required with small button batteries, as the toxic battery acid can leak out and cause serious damage to the nose. Your child does not get enough air?