Forms of treatment of salivary stone | Symptoms of a salivary stone – This is how you recognize a salivary stone

Forms of treatment of salivary stone

If a salivary stone is diagnosed, one should start its treatment as soon as possible. If the stone has already led to an inflammation of the salivary gland and its excretory duct, antibiotics are prescribed in case of a bacterial infection. If viruses are the trigger, the treatment is only symptomatic.

The gland is cooled externally and the patient eats only soft food for a few days. If the salivary stone is still relatively small in size, it can be loosened by a light, professional massage and removed via the excretory duct of the salivary gland. Sometimes an increase in salivary flow is sufficient to achieve the effect just mentioned.

In addition, the patient drinks large quantities of water with lemon juice to facilitate the removal. Larger salivary stones are removed by a surgical procedure. There are various options available.

One method consists in the endoscopic examination of the glandular duct with the help of an endoscope. This is a medical device with which cavities in the tissue can be examined and modified. By inserting a probe into the excretory duct of the gland, the salivary stone can either be retrieved with the help of a small wire basket or shattered by a laser.

The resulting small fragments can be easily drained off. In cases of very severe inflammation, the complete removal of the salivary gland may be necessary. If an abscess is present, it is opened, the pus is suctioned off and the affected area is thoroughly cleaned. At the same time, the use of antibiotics is recommended.

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