Fox Tapeworm (Dog Tapeworm): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The infections with a dog tapeworm or a fox tapeworm are life-threatening diseases for humans. The complex process of infection and the corresponding symptoms of the disease should be observed with all due care, as they can be avoided by thorough hygiene. In addition, they are more treatable by early diagnosis.

What is fox tapeworm?

Tapeworms live as parasites in the intestines of humans or other vertebrates. There are many different types of tapeworms. Each species can cause different symptoms, although only a few species could become a danger to humans. In the picture, the head of a tapeworm. Click to enlarge. Infection with a dog tapeworm causes the clinical picture of cystic echinococcosis. This disease is characterized by cystic changes of various organs. Such fluid-filled cavities can become the size of a child’s head and contain living worm tissue. The main organ affected is the liver, but such cysts can also develop in the lungs, heart or brain as a result of infection with a dog tapeworm. Infection with a fox tapeworm affects the liver. The germ tissue of the fox tapeworm initially forms shoots that grow tumor-like into the liver tissue. Only later do cavities develop that resemble the appearance of branched alveoli. Therefore, this infection with a fox tapeworm is called alveolar echinococcosis.


A dog tapeworm and a fox tapeworm are three to six millimeters in size. They are made up of several components that perform different tasks for infection and reproduction. The head is called the scolex and serves to anchor the dog tapeworm and the fox tapeworm in the intestinal mucosa. The body of these tapeworms usually consists of three members called proglottids. The last of these proglottids carries hundreds of eggs. These filled proglottids detach from the dog tapeworm or the fox tapeworm and are excreted in the feces. This process takes place in the so-called final host. In the case of the dog tapeworm, these are dogs or dog-like animals; in the case of the fox tapeworm, these are foxes, dogs or cats. Other animals or humans ingest these eggs with a contaminated meal. These mainly include sheep, pigs, cattle or camels. However, a human can also become infected by eating such animals. Humans or animals infected by ingestion are so-called intermediate hosts. The eggs ingested by the intermediate host hatch into small larvae in the intestine. These are called oncospheres and penetrate through the intestinal wall into the vascular system, thus reaching the organs and developing the characteristic changes. Infectious units also develop in the cysts of the organs. Therefore, by eating meat from the affected animals, a human can also become infected with dog tapeworm or fox tapeworm. From time to time, mushroom pickers or people who have picked blueberries (bilberries) in the forest also become infected. These may be covered with eggs from the droppings of foxes or other animals. Then, if the mushrooms or blueberries are not washed or boiled properly, infection occurs quickly.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

The symptoms of infection with a fox tapeworm and a dog tapeworm are similar. Both tapeworms belong to the Echinococcus species and preferentially attack the liver. However, the course of a dog tapeworm is more favorable, since it can be completely fought off by the immune system. In contrast, infections with fox tapeworm are often fatal, even with treatment. Initially, there are no symptoms of fox tapeworm infestation. Only after the long period of about 15 years do the first symptoms appear, which occasionally manifest themselves as a feeling of pressure and pain in the upper abdomen. As the disease progresses, jaundice appears. The portal vein also becomes constricted. This creates increased portal pressure, which can lead to varicose veins in the esophagus. Eventually, death may occur due to complete destruction of the liver. Only with early treatment is a cure possible. However, when the first symptoms already appear, only the progressive course can be delayed. Even in the case of an infestation with the dog tapeworm, the first symptoms do not appear until after about 15 years. These, however, depend on the particular organ that is infested.Since the liver is usually affected here as well, the symptoms are often similar to those of infection with the fox tapeworm. However, the peritoneum, pleura, lungs, brain, bones or heart may also be affected with specific symptoms. However, unlike fox tapeworm, spontaneous remission is possible with dog tapeworm infestation.

Diagnosis and course

In most cases, infection with canine tapeworm or fox tapeworm can be readily diagnosed with imaging techniques. Cysts in the liver can be readily visualized with ultrasonography. The solid changes in the liver caused by fox tapeworm are often better visualized by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These procedures are also useful for detecting cysts in other organs. Additional blood tests, in which, for example, antibodies against the worm tissue are detected, supplement the diagnostic possibilities. The symptoms of an infection are caused by the severe impairment of the affected organs. For example, icterus may occur due to restriction of liver function. Neurologic deficits are possible with a focus of infection in the brain.


Fox tapeworm is a life-threatening disease. If it is not treated, the patient usually dies. Due to fox tapeworm, in most cases there is very severe discomfort in the abdomen and stomach. Severe pain occurs, which can persist even without the consumption of food and often cannot be relieved with the help of painkillers. Likewise, the patient is permanently tired and exhausted and suffers from jaundice. The fatigue cannot be counteracted by sufficient sleep. The quality of life is considerably reduced by the fox tapeworm. Likewise, it is no longer possible for the patient to engage in physical or sporting activities. The treatment usually takes place on the basis of a surgical intervention. This is necessary because otherwise the patient will die from the fox tapeworm. In addition, the patient must take various medications to prevent further infections. If the treatment is successful, the life expectancy is not reduced. If surgery is not possible, the cysts are treated with the help of medications.

When should you see a doctor?

If worms or worm parts are seen in the stool, a doctor should be seen in the next few days. Unusual symptoms such as itching in the anal region or abdominal pain also require medical evaluation. Fever, weight loss and signs of anemia indicate an advanced fox tapeworm infection that must be examined and treated immediately. If the above symptoms occur after contact with a fox or other possibly infected animal, the affected person must seek hospital care promptly. At the latest, if bloody stools are noticed or there is repeated coughing up of blood or spitting up of blood, a visit to the doctor is indicated. Children, the elderly, pregnant women and sick people should see a doctor or pediatrician immediately if they experience any unusual symptoms. The same applies to people who suffer from a serious intestinal disease or who have been complaining of the above symptoms for a long time. If there are signs of liver dysfunction or serious circulatory problems, it is best to call an ambulance or contact emergency medical services.

Treatment and therapy

The course of infection with canine tapeworm or fox tapeworm is fulminant without therapy. The treatment of choice is surgical removal of the cysts. However, removal of a cyst carries the risk of transferring worm tissue or eggs to other regions and causing re-infection. Therefore, additional medications can be given to prevent so-called recurrences. Inoperable cysts or residual tissue that has not been removed are treated with medication. In most cases, only the growth of the cyst can be prevented, so that long-term and permanent therapies are often necessary. In the case of fox tapeworm, lifelong drug therapy may be required because the cysts are too small to remove surgically.

Outlook and prognosis

Patients who have been affected by fox tapeworm usually have a good prognosis when they seek medical care. In a routine surgery, the worm is completely removed.Subsequently, the patient recovers. If no further complications occur during the surgical procedure, the affected person is discharged from treatment within a short time as symptom-free. Re-infestation of the dog tapeworm is possible at any time during life. The prospects of cure remain positive for affected individuals once they decide to seek treatment. If no medical care takes place, the prognosis deteriorates considerably. In these cases, the patient is threatened with premature death instead of a cure. The fox tapeworm is a life-threatening disease, so a doctor should be consulted in time with the onset of the first symptoms. Therapy is complicated if the worm has already formed larvae and deposited them in the organism. In these patients, long-term therapy is often performed because the pathogens are too small for surgical removal. Since the larvae cause irreparable tissue damage, the administration of medication is necessary. The human liver is particularly at risk. In individual cases, lifelong treatment with drugs may be required.


To prevent infection with dog tapeworm or fox tapeworm, thorough personal hygiene is the best protection. Regular inspection of meat is another important precaution. Infections with a dog tapeworm and a fox tapeworm are reportable, so close monitoring by the authorities also prevents the spread of such an infection. Mushroom pickers or blueberry pickers should wash their fruits or mushrooms thoroughly. However, it is better to boil them.


Aftercare for an infestation with fox tapeworm or dog tapeworm, depends on the course of the disease and the measures already taken. For example, almost all people affected by echinococcosis will need to resort to medication for the rest of their lives, as the parasites often cannot be completely killed. Regular control examinations are also due. Imaging techniques are used to further monitor cysts (old and new) and to detect organ damage at an early stage. Ultrasound is the method of choice here, with special attention paid to the liver. Follow-up care also includes identifying necessary surgery after therapy has begun and the disease has reached a quiescent stage. Despite improvement of the condition, critical cysts may occasionally occur and it is better to remove them. In addition, the measures that are intended to help directly against the fox tapeworm or the dog tapeworm also require follow-up. These include, for example, wound care after surgery, aftercare following chemotherapy, and pain management. In addition, the drugs used lead to side effects in some patients after some time, which makes it necessary to change the therapy. Overall, therefore, monitoring the success of therapeutic measures is very important in order to distinguish between necessary and unnecessary medical interventions.

What you can do yourself

A fox tapeworm requires comprehensive medical therapy. However, affected persons can support the treatment by various measures and some means from household and nature. First, the doctor will recommend a laxative diet. Cabbage, sauerkraut and the like help to quickly eliminate the tapeworm and rid the gastrointestinal tract of any residues. In addition, plenty should be drunk, such as herbal teas with chamomile and lemon balm or laxative teas from the pharmacy. In general, garlic, carrots, black cumin oil and a number of other herbs and plants are also said to have soothing effects. Corresponding remedies do not help directly against the fox tapeworm, but alleviate accompanying symptoms such as pain, stomach cramps and heartburn. An alternative remedy from homeopathy is the preparation Abrotanum D1. To avoid complications, the use of alternative methods and remedies should be clarified with the doctor beforehand. After the treatment, the patient should be on strict bed rest. Finally, the cause of the fox tapeworm infection should be determined. It is possible that the worm was transmitted by a pet, which must be treated accordingly and vaccinated against a new parasite infestation.