Frequency distribution | Breast growth during pregnancy

Frequency distribution

Breast growth during pregnancy is absolutely typical for every woman and every patient will notice a certain growth of the breast during the whole pregnancy. Therefore, each patient should accept this condition as far as possible and not try to resist or prevent breast growth during pregnancy unless there are medical complications.


Breast growth during pregnancy is usually free of symptoms and is often first noticed by the patient’s partner, who will inform the patient that the breasts are firmer and firmer. But starting from the 2. month it is noticeable also the patient that it comes to an occasionally strong chest growth, since the bras do not fit now any longer. In addition to breast growth, tension or a slight pulling in the breast during pregnancy can also occur, which is not unusual.

Especially during the first pregnancy the skin (cutis) expands a lot due to the breast growth and is sometimes not elastic enough to withstand the breast growth. In this case it can lead to a pulling or a feeling of tension. From the 8th month of pregnancy on, it can occasionally happen that some milk leaks out of the patient’s breast, because at this stage of pregnancy a first milk (colostrum) is already formed.

The nipples (nipples) also change. They become darker and b and also become larger. Due to the changes can be in pregnancy regarding the nipples, but there may also be some problems. In addition to the symptoms of breast growth and nipple growth, there are of course other typical symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea, increased urge to urinate or increased hunger. If it comes only to a chest growth without a pregnancy being present and grows only one breast, while the other remains constantly large, then this should be examined absolutely by a specialist for gynecology since it could possibly concern an inflammation of the breast (Mastitits) or a tumor (Mamma Carcinoma).