Frequency of jaundice | Jaundice

Frequency of jaundice

The frequency of jaundice depends on the disease causing it. In hepatitis A, for example, less than 10% of children under 6 years of age have an icteric course, 45% of children over 6 years of age and 75% of adults. Hemolyticus neonatorum disease as the cause of jaundice (icterus) is relatively rare today.

The same applies to the multitude of familial hyperbilirubinemia syndromes. Tumorous diseases, such as pancreatic carcinoma, occur primarily in patients in their sixth or seventh decade of life. In 25% of patients, icterus occurs in the early stages. In the late stage, 90% of patients have jaundice.


Jaundice is not an independent clinical picture, but rather a symptom triggered by various factors (see above). Jaundice is mostly a diagnosis of the gaze. The doctor can then determine the bilirubin level by taking a blood sample.

In most cases, this is elevated in the case of jaundice, the level being at least over 2 mg/dl. Now it is necessary to find out the cause of the elevated bilirubin level. The determination of a large blood count can provide information about whether one of the numerous blood formation diseases is present.

The ultrasound examination of the liver and bile duct system provides indications of diseases of these organs. In order to examine whether, for example, a mass in the bile duct or pancreas is causing the outflow of bile acids, a so-called ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography) can be performed. In this procedure, a tube with a camera attached to its tip is inserted into the stomach and from there into the duodenum.

A contrast medium is injected into the pancreatic duct at its entrance. Shortly afterwards, an X-ray is taken. The image now shows whether the bile duct and pancreatic duct are continuous or whether something is obstructing or constricting them. This instrument can also be used to remove bile duct stones or to take samples of the narrowing. ERCP is an important examination method for finding the cause of jaundice and for diagnosing a pancreatic tumor.