Frequency of Sarcoidosis | Sarcoidosis

Frequency of Sarcoidosis

The most frequent people affected by sarcoidosis are those between the ages of 20 and 40, with a total of 15-30 affected persons per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany. In some other countries, such as Sweden and Iceland, the proportion of new cases is significantly higher, at around 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In Europe there is also a north-south divide, as the rate of new cases of sarcoidosis in Spain is much lower, at around 2:100,000.

This is probably due to a genetic cause of the disease. The dark-skinned population of America is also more frequently affected than other population groups. Sarcoidosis is basically widespread worldwide, with women developing sarcoidosis slightly more often than men. Since many diseases are asymptomatic, it is difficult to give exact numbers. In young people, sarcoidosis is the second most common lung disease after bronchial asthma.

What is the life expectancy in sarcoidosis?

There are no exact figures for life expectancy in sarcoidosis, as this depends strongly on the severity of the disease and its symptoms. For example, if the disease is acute sarcoidosis, the chances of a spontaneous cure are very good. Although the risk of certain cancers is increased, apart from a normal unimpaired life expectancy. Life expectancy for sarcoidosis in a chronically advanced stage is correspondingly lower.