Frequent Urination (Pollakiuria)

Pollakisuria (synonyms: frequent urination, frequent urination, frequent micturition; ICD-10 R35) refers to the urge to urinate frequently (= increased micturition frequency), although there is no increased urination (= polyuria).

Pollakisuria is one of the micturition disorders (disorders of bladder emptying).

Pollakiuria can be a symptom of many diseases (see “Differential diagnoses”).

Sex ratio: Women are affected by pollakiuria much more frequently than men.

Course and prognosis: The course and prognosis depend on the cause (e.g. cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the renal pelvis)). If necessary, a specialist (urologist) should be consulted for precise clarification. Without therapy, the symptoms may increase and the underlying disease may worsen.