Frequent Urination: What to Do?

When the bladder fills up, it is normal to experience an urge to urinate over time. But if the urge to urinate occurs constantly or is particularly strong, this may indicate a disorder of the bladder. There can be various causes behind the symptoms, including cystitis or an enlarged prostate. Important for the diagnosis is whether the urge to urinate occurs during the day or during the night and how much urine escapes when urinating. Read here what causes can be behind frequent urination and what treatment options are available.

There is not always a disease

In our body, about 1 to 1.5 liters of urine are formed every day. Exactly how much urine is produced depends primarily on the amount of fluid ingested. Urine is produced in the kidneys and then accumulates in the bladder. When the bladder is full, we feel the urge to urinate due to the pressure of the fluid on the bladder wall. When we urinate, the urine also flushes toxins and waste products out of the body. If you drink a lot or eat large quantities of water-rich foods – for example watermelons, cucumbers or tomatoes – a frequent urge to urinate is normal. However, a lot of urine should then come out of the bladder when you urinate. In general, urinating up to ten times a day is still considered normal. If you have to go to the toilet more often, you should consult a doctor.

Frequent urination: causes in men and women.

There are generally three different forms of frequent urination:

  • Polyuria
  • Pollakiuria
  • Nocturia

In polyuria, large amounts of urine are excreted daily, about two to three liters. This is significantly more than the norm. Often occurs together with the frequent urge to urinate a strong feeling of thirst – this is especially the case with diabetes mellitus. In addition, polyuria can also be triggered by excessive alcohol or coffee consumption as well as medications such as diuretics, which have a dehydrating effect. Diseases such as kidney failure or heart failure are also possible causes. In addition, it is also possible that extreme mental stress causes a frequent urge to urinate.

Pollakiuria as a cause

If there is a frequent urge to urinate, but no or only little urine can be passed, this is called pollakisuria. In men, this phenomenon usually indicates prostate disease. In women, a frequent urge to urinate, during which only small amounts of urine can be passed, often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. However, pollakiuria can also indicate an irritable bladder or cystitis. Typical symptoms of cystitis are burning and pain during urination. In addition to cystitis, other urinary tract conditions such as renal pelvic inflammation may also be a cause.

Nighttime urge to urinate

Older people in particular experience a frequent urge to urinate, especially during the night. One speaks of nocturia when the bladder must be emptied regularly more than twice during the night. This significantly disturbs sleep and can lead to symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating and fatigue during the day. In women, an infection of the lower urinary tract such as cystitis is often the cause of the symptoms. In men, on the other hand, frequent urination at night usually indicates a benign enlargement of the prostate. Due to the narrowing of the urethra, they cannot empty all the urine from the bladder when urinating. Subsequently, the bladder fills up again more quickly due to the remaining residual urine, and the urge to urinate is triggered again.

Make the right diagnosis

If you suffer from frequent urination, you should consult a doctor and have the cause of the symptoms clarified. To begin with, the doctor will usually have a detailed conversation with you and clarify the following questions:

  • When does the urge to urinate occur (during the day or at night)?
  • When urinating, does a lot of urine come or rather less?
  • Do you have a strong feeling of thirst?
  • Are you taking certain medications such as diuretics?
  • Do you consume a lot of fluids, especially in the form of coffee or tea?

Possibly the doctor will recommend you to keep a so-called micturition diary. In it you can note how often and in what situations the urge to urinate.Also, write down how much and what you drank before.

Examination of blood and urine

Following the interview, the doctor may order an examination of blood and urine levels and blood concentration (osmolarity). Likewise, an ultrasound of the urinary tract as well as the prostate, an X-ray examination, or a cystoscopy of the bladder may be useful. Depending on the suspicion, the function of other organs such as the heart may also need to be examined. In some cases, a urodynamic examination is also performed. Among other things, this measures the amount of urine the bladder can store and whether there is involuntary loss of urine. The function of the pelvic floor muscles can also be checked in this way.

What helps to relieve frequent urination?

If you have to go to the toilet very frequently, you should always have this clarified by a doctor. Usually, harmless causes are behind the complaints, but serious diseases such as diabetes, prostate cancer or heart failure are also possible. The exact treatment for frequent urination depends to a large extent on the underlying disease. If there is no organic cause, you should try to exercise your bladder in a targeted manner. Do not go to the toilet at the first onset of the urge to urinate, but deliberately suppress it for a while. In this way, your bladder will slowly become accustomed to larger filling volumes again. Under no circumstances should you drink less just because you have to go to the toilet frequently. This will only harm your body in the long run.

Medication relieves the discomfort

If your quality of life is severely limited by the frequent urge to urinate, medication can also be used for treatment. Anticholinergics or spasmolytics, for example, ensure that the contractility of the bladder is reduced. For men, so-called alpha blockers are also recommended, which relax the muscles of the prostate. For women, on the other hand, estrogens are more helpful. You should also consult a doctor or pharmacist to find out whether herbal remedies are also suitable for therapy. For example, in the case of irritable bladder, the symptoms can be relieved by eating pumpkin seeds.