From what height do I need an MRI with a large tube? | MRI for overweight people

From what height do I need an MRI with a large tube?

The tubes of the closed MRI devices used today have a length between 120 and 150cm and a diameter of 50 to 60cm. The maximum weight for which the MRI tables are designed varies greatly and ranges approximately between 150 and 300kg. The ‘large tubes’ that have come onto the market in recent years have a larger diameter (70cm) and are therefore suitable for people with a larger body circumference.

Up to what height can I do an open MRI?

The open MRI consists of a C-shaped magnet into which the body area to be examined can be moved. Due to a larger lying surface (up to 150cm) and significantly smaller magnets, the open MRI is also suitable for particularly large and heavy patients. The design of open MRIs differs greatly between the individual manufacturers.

As a result, there are also no uniform body sizes up to which an open MRI can be performed. It is therefore advisable to inform the treating physician about height and weight before the examination. Based on his experience, he can then decide, depending on the patient, whether MRI imaging can be performed.

Does the MRI for overweight people pay the health insurance?

The MRI examination in a closed MRI is paid by the statutory health insurance companies if medically necessary and is independent of body size or weight. If imaging in a closed MRI is not possible and an open MRI must be performed, the costs are not covered by health insurance companies in all cases. The assumption of costs depends on the medical problem, the body height or weight and the necessity of imaging with an open MRI. The prerequisite is a pre-completed cost assumption declaration in which the choice of the open MRI procedure is justified and a cost estimate must be provided. The costs of an open MRI (for self-payers or private patients) range between 140 and 1200€, depending on the organ system to be examined and the complexity of the examination.