Function | Endorphins


Endorphins have analgesic (analgesic) and calming effects, making people less sensitive to stress. They promote hunger, play a part in the production of sex hormones and have a positive effect on deep and peaceful sleep. In addition, the endorphins influence vegetative processes such as body temperature or intestinal motility.

A strengthening modulation of the immune system by these hormones is also described. The development of euphoria is also attributed to the endorphins. Endorphin secretion is mainly stimulated by stress and pain.

Endorphins are formed and released in emergency situations to reduce the sensation of pain. However, the release of endorphins also depends on physical activity and psychological factors. For example, moments of happiness, rewards, touch, social contacts or a strong laugh can increase endorphin production.

Therefore, endorphins are colloquially called ‘happiness hormones‘. Also with attractions to the ACTH payment, which develops from the common precursor protein POMC, the Endorphin mirror increases. By certain measures the body-own Endorphin Ausschüttung can be increased. These include acupuncture, massage, sexual intercourse or meditation. It is also suspected that the endorphin secretion is increased by the ingredient capsaicin, which is found in spicy foods and binds to a form of pain receptors (capsaicin receptors).

Endorphins in sport

In general, any kind of sport, whether jogging, cycling, walking, swimming, mountain climbing or other activities can have a positive effect on the body’s own endorphin production. It is assumed that endorphins are released during long-term physical exertion of medium to high intensity. Since sport is strenuous for the body and the heart has to pump faster, endorphins are produced in the brain and distributed throughout the body.

These then have a calming effect and reduce the body’s stress. It can often be observed that marathon runners can finish the race without any major problems despite an injury.Long distance runners can also experience the so-called ‘Runner’s High’. This means that they can continue to run despite exhaustion and exceeding their physical limits and a feeling of euphoria is triggered.

The reason for this is the endorphins. They reduce pain, have a calming effect and reduce stress. Everybody who does sports knows that you feel good all around after sports. The endorphins that are formed ensure that feelings of happiness arise, that you are in a good mood and that you are very hungry.