Function of the inner strap at the knee | Inner Band Knee

Function of the inner strap at the knee

The inner band of the knee has the same function towards the middle of the body as the outer band towards the outside. When the leg is stretched, both collateral ligaments are tensed and prevent or reduce rotation in the knee joint. Increasing flexion in the knee joint also reduces the radius of curvature.

Thus, the two points of attachment of the thigh and shin come closer together, which results in a relaxation of the two collateral ligaments. The inner ligament of the knee in particular stabilizes the knee joint in the frontal plane (i.e. in the lateral direction) and thus prevents a knock-knee position (genu valgum). In addition to stabilization in the lateral direction, the inner ligament of the knee is also involved in slowing down external rotation in the knee joint.

Pain on the inner ligament

In the case of pain on the inside of the knee, an acute occurrence as a direct consequence of an injury (“trauma”) must be differentiated from permanent pain after long-term stress or damage to the affected structures. The form of the pain and the circumstances under which the pain becomes noticeable also differ significantly. A very common reason for non-acute pain is excessive or incorrect loading during movement.

For example, if a monotonous movement is performed incorrectly or significantly more strongly or more frequently than usual, this can initially lead to irritation. A typical example is the overzealous execution of a new sport. Jogging, for example, is predestined for incorrect loading and overloading with long-term damage to the knee joint.

The nature of pain caused by trauma is different. They occur at the moment of the accident and are stabbing. Within a very short time, pain develops under pressure and movement directly above the inner ligament of the knee and in many cases a joint effusion forms with swelling, redness, pain and other signs of local inflammation. In these cases, anything from a slight strain to a rupture of the inner ligament may be present and one should immediately elevate the affected area, cool it, take care of it and, if possible, apply a pressure bandage.