Function | The scrotum


The scrotum envelops the male genitals and thus represents an important protection. Due to its elasticity it follows the movements of the testicles, for example when running or doing sports. This ensures that no direct friction is exerted on the testicles and also the spermatic duct.

In addition to this protective function, the scrotum is also involved in temperature regulation. The male sperm cells (sperm) are produced in the testicles. This requires an approximate temperature of 34°C.

Accordingly, the testicles are not located in the abdominal cavity, but have been relocated outside. However, if it is warmer or colder than 34°C in the scrotum, the scrotum is able to compensate for this temperature difference. If it is too cold, the scrotum contracts and becomes firmer.

This causes the testicles to be pulled closer to the body and adjust to the body temperature. Our body temperature is on average 37°C. In contrast, the scrotum becomes more elastic when warm, so that the testicles have a greater distance to the body. In this way they are heated less by body temperature and reach the desired 34°C. This natural mechanism, which takes place completely automatically, guarantees optimal spermatogenesis.

Diseases of the scrotum

An itchy scrotum is painful for the affected patient and is a burden in everyday life. In addition to the frequent urge to scratch the intimate area, this symptom is often accompanied by a great sense of shame. The causes for a burning or itching scrotum can be very diverse.

First of all, the patient should consider whether he or she has changed any habits recently. These include using a new shower gel or changing a detergent. These may have triggered an allergic reaction, which then manifests itself with burning, itching or even redness.

Increased sweating in the genital area can also lead to the same symptoms. This is supported by a strong growth of the intimate hair on the scrotum.Particularly long hair can become unpleasant in the long run, as it rubs the skin on the scrotum during movement and in combination with sweat. This leads to red skin spots, which are further abraded by the increased scratching, which in the worst case can lead to inflammation.

Another cause of itching of the scrotum can be a fungal infection. Fungi grow mainly where it is dark and humid. Both apply to the intimate area.

If you suspect that you have a fungal infection, it is best to consult a dermatologist. The dermatologist will prescribe an ointment that is directed against fungi (antimycotic). After regular application of this ointment, the symptoms usually disappear and patients are free of complaints.

A painful scrotum is very uncomfortable for the person affected. In any case, a doctor should be consulted, as various clinical pictures come into question. The pain can be characterized and localized more precisely through a detailed interview with the doctor (anamnesis).

Of great importance is the information whether the pain occurred suddenly or developed over a longer period of time. If the pain has occurred suddenly, quick measures should be taken. A typical clinical picture which is associated with sudden severe pain in the scrotum is testicular torsion.

By twisting the testicle, the blood flow to the testicle is interrupted and quick intervention is required. Further symptoms which indicate torsion of the testis are redness in the area of the testis, extreme sensitivity to pressure and also nausea with vomiting. Another reason for pain in the scrotum is inflammation.

This can affect different structures, such as the testicles (testicular inflammation, orchitis) or the epididymis (epididymitis). An inflammation is also painful, but the pain does not occur as suddenly as in testicular torsion. An inflammation is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, with antibiotics.

  • Testicular torsion
  • Testicular Inflammation

The scrotum can become inflamed like all other male sexual organs. An inflammation describes a reaction of the body which can be triggered by various factors. Signs of inflammation are redness, swelling, overheating, pain and a functional limitation.

In principle, any organ in the body can become inflamed and is identified by the word “-itis” (for example, inflammation of the testicles = orchitis). An inflammation of the scrotum can be caused by pathogens such as viruses, bacteria or fungi. An inflammation of the skin of the scrotum is often caused by bacteria that can be assigned to the cocci (especially staphylococci).

This type of inflammation should be treated as soon as possible, as these bacteria can lead to an abscess if left untreated. Another trigger for an inflammation in the genital area are fungi. These prefer damp and warm places to grow.

This form of inflammation should also be treated to avoid complications. Usually an ointment with an anti-fungal agent is sufficient. However, not always only the scrotum must be affected.

An inflammation can also originate in the testicles (orchitis) or the epididymis (epididymitis) and spread to the scrotum. A possible complication of an inflammation in this area is the uncontrolled formation of a tissue fluid. This accumulates in the scrotum and can pinch off vessels, so that the blood supply is impaired.

A fungus on the scrotum manifests itself with severe itching and reddish spots on the skin. A fungal infection often occurs in certain parts of the body that meet certain criteria. These include areas of the body where it is damp, warm and dark so that the fungus can spread at rest.

A classic example of a fungal infection in both men and women is the genital area. For men, in addition to the penis, the scrotum can also be affected. In this area all conditions are fulfilled so that the fungus can grow in a moist, warm and dark environment.

In some cases this growth is supported by a lack of hygiene. In addition, there is a high friction in the intimate area of men, because the scrotum and the penis are pressed together by tight-fitting boxer shorts, for example. If this person now also does sports, there is increased sweating in the genital area.

Friction and sweat cause sore skin areas where fungi feel particularly comfortable.Typical symptoms of a fungal infection of the scrotum are a permanent burning or itching, reddened skin areas and also the constant need to scratch in the intimate area. In such a situation you should consult a dermatologist who will examine you and take a smear if necessary. Usually he prescribes an ointment that kills the fungi present and thus leads to a quick improvement.

The therapy usually starts after a few days and leads to a complete recovery. An enlarged scrotum is always a reason to consult a doctor, even if the scrotum itself is painless. There can be various causes behind this symptom.

An acute emergency is the so-called testicular torsion, in which the blood supply to the testicle is partially or completely interrupted. The reason for this is that the testicle or the spermatic cord rotates on its own axis and thus constricts the vessels. On the one hand the testicle is no longer supplied with blood, on the other hand the venous blood can no longer drain and accumulates in the testicle.

The scrotum swells within a very short time, becomes red and is extremely sensitive to pressure. In addition, there is severe pain that can radiate into the abdomen and also nausea and vomiting. Another cause of a swollen scrotum is an inflammation of the testicles or even the epididymis.

An inflammation is always painful and is treated with medication. However, there are also scrotum enlargements which are painless and therefore not always immediately noticeable. A possible clinical picture is the hydrocele.

Here, fluid collects between two layers of the scrotum, which leads to a swelling of the testicle. Another reason for an enlarged scrotum is a tumor on the testicle (testicular carcinoma). A tumor is a benign or malignant mass that has its origin in abnormal cells.

A testicular tumor is usually painless, but can manifest itself by hardening in the area of the testis and blood admixtures in the sperm. The chances of treatment are good and increase the earlier one starts with the therapy.

  • Water in the testicles
  • Swollen testicle – What is behind it?
  • Testicular cancer

An abscess on the scrotum is an encapsulated accumulation of pus in the intimate area of the man.

The causes of such an abscess are small injuries on the surface of the scrotum, which can occur, for example, when shaving. If bacteria enter this small wound, an abscess may occur. An abscess is a localized accumulation of inflammatory pus and can cause pain in the testicular area.

Under certain circumstances, an abscess can also be mistaken for a pimple, so if an abscess is suspected, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will examine (inspection) and palpate the testicle. If an abscess is diagnosed on the scrotum, it is removed surgically.

  • Testicular abscess – What are the risks?
  • Ingrown hair in the genital area

Pimples on the scrotum are usually harmless and disappear on their own after a few days. Painless pimples are small reddish elevations that can contain some pus in the middle. Often they are not noticed by the affected person.

Causes for pimples on the scrotum can be, for example, synthetic underwear or lack of hygiene. In addition, it may be sufficient to touch the scrotum with unwashed hands, for example when going to the toilet or during sexual intercourse. If you notice a pimple in the genital area, you should initially only observe it. In most cases, pimples twist themselves and do not require any treatment. If the pimple starts to hurt and persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor for clarification.