Functionality of an MRI ́s | MRI of the knee joint

Functionality of an MRI ́s

Magnetic resonance imaging is based on the generation of strong magnetic fields and the associated excitation of the atomic nuclei in the body. This enables a very precise imaging and differentiation of the tissue types occurring in the body. The exact mode of operation is very complicated and requires the understanding of detailed physical laws.

In contrast to examinations based on the use of X-rays, an MRI works entirely without the use of harmful radiation. According to the current state of science and the opinion of most experts, the energy required to generate the sectional images is not harmful to the human body. There are different examination methods that require the use of an MRI machine.

For example, these special examinations can be used to examine the functioning of the knee joint or to show the vessels running along the knee in detail. The use of a contrast medium allows the assessment of the different levels of blood flow in different structures and is rarely used in an MRI of the knee.