Fungal infection as cause of eczema | Eczema on the Po

Fungal infection as cause of eczema

In addition to the above-mentioned causes, a fungal infection can also be the cause of anal eczema. This is often the result of prolonged antibiotic treatment (which causes an imbalance of the intestinal flora, a dysbacteria) or a weakened immune system. In this case, fungi, such as the candida yeast fungus, can spread undisturbed and attack the intestinal mucosa.

This in turn leads to allergic skin reactions and thus to eczema of the buttocks. A fungal infection can be diagnosed by the family doctor quite easily with the help of stool samples and swabs. Treatment is then carried out with antimycotics (antifungal agents). The eczema heals quickly if the cause is uncomplicated.

Can eczema on the buttocks be an indication of cancer?

Much more likely than colon cancer, there are a number of other causes for persistent itching and eczema of the buttocks. However, if anal itching and anal eczema persist for a long time and the usual measures remain unsuccessful, a clarification of colorectal cancer should be carried out. This includes a precise inspection and palpation (digital examination) of the rectum, as well as a colonoscopy (rectoscopy) and the collection of skin samples.

Accompanying symptoms of eczema on PO

Eczema of the buttocks is often accompanied by symptoms other than pure redness of the skin. Often the area is painful, very sensitive and itchy. Blistering and weeping is also possible.

If pathogens have got under the skin, this can also lead to reactions all over the body such as fever or fatigue. A swelling of the lymph nodes is also typical. In the case of a chronic skin disease such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis, further eczema may occur in other parts of the body, and other organs such as the joints may also be affected with pain.

A developing skin cancer, on the other hand, usually shows up without accompanying symptoms, therefore it is very important to show even low symptom, non-healing eczema to a doctor! You fear that you have skin cancer?itching is a common symptom of eczema on the buttocks and is caused by the skin irritation. Especially with dry, dehydrated skin, which you have e.g. with neurodermatitis, the itching can be extremely stressful.It is important, however, not to indulge the craving, as scratching can destroy the skin and thus allow pathogens to penetrate. It is helpful in acute itching to cool the affected area. In the case of dry skin, moisturizing ointments can provide relief.